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Yang Amat berhormat
Dato' Seri Adbullah Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister's Office Building
Perdana Putra Building
Federal Government Administrative Center
62502 Putrajaya
This is to report the corruption of the IGP as follows:
1.IGP House renovation sponsored by Robert Chiew @ Baby
Robert Chiew @ Baby sponsored the IGP House renovations including the roof at his PJ house. When investigations was underway against Robert Chiew @ Baby, IGP warned him to run to China to avoid E.O. detention. Until today police investigations and actions have been frustrated due to Robert Chiew @ Baby fleeing to China.
2.BK Tan
B.K.Tan brags that because of this influence over the IGP he has the power to promote or transfer based on if they are 'friendly' to them or not. The officers who have benefited from B.K.Tan's influence are:
SAC II Dato' Abu S OCCI Penang
Appointment of Dato' Chirstopher Wan as CID
Dato' Shukir, KCK Selangor
SAC II Low Hong Soon - Assistent Director B7/Bukit Aman
All district crime officer positions have been given to Chinese
B.K.Tan's close relationship with IGP is supported by:
The fact that B.K.Tan is always in the IGP's house
B.K.Tan award for the e-sourcing project
B.K.Tan sponsorship, via his son Chirs Tan, of the renovation of the Perkep House to curry favour with Puan Sri
3.Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku
Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku convinced the IGP to close down all other gambling operations and Ah Long's so that he can enjoy the monopoly and the IGP appears to be taking action in the eyes of the public. OCCI Dato' Rahim Jaafar was against this and as a result was not confirmed as SAC II and transfered out to Kuantan as Commander Bridage.
Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku sponsored renovations for the IGP's father in law's house for a few hundred thousand. To avoid detection, this house was sold.
邮区62502 布特拉再也
1。总警长官邸装修费由Robert Chiew(绰号Baby)赞助
Robert Chiew(绰号Baby)赞助总警长官邸的专修费,包括他在八打灵再也的屋顶的装修。当Robert Chiew(绰号Baby)被警方调查时,总警长预先通知他逃到中国大陆,以避免在紧急法令下被拘捕。到今天为止警方的调查还是没有进展,因为obert Chiew(绰号Baby)已经潜逃到中国大陆。
SAC II Dato' Abu S OCCI Penang
Appointment of Dato' Chirstopher Wan as CID
Dato' Shukir, KCK Selangor
SAC II Low Hong Soon - Assistent Director B7/Bukit Aman
All district crime officer positions have been given to Chinese
B.K.Tan's close relationship with IGP is supported by:
The fact that B.K.Tan is always in the IGP's house
B.K.Tan award for the e-sourcing project
B.K.Tan sponsorship, via his son Chirs Tan, of the renovation of the Perkep House to curry favour with Puan Sri
3.Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku
Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku convinced the IGP to close down all other gambling operations and Ah Long's so that he can enjoy the monopoly and the IGP appears to be taking action in the eyes of the public. OCCI Dato' Rahim Jaafar was against this and as a result was not confirmed as SAC II and transfered out to Kuantan as Commander Bridage.
Goh Cheng peng @ Tungku sponsored renovations for the IGP's father in law's house for a few hundred thousand. To avoid detection, this house was sold.