2008-08-14 宝贝,你说的哦!
2008-08-13 13日星期五,死缠着你的一天
2008-08-07 男人的推动力∶金钱,权力与女人
2008-08-06 首屈一指的「鸡奸学家」∶沙菲宜阿都拉
2008-08-04 垂死挣扎∶临终之兆
2008-08-02 一石二鸟
2008-08-01 巫统八打灵区部主席控诉首相和副首相贪污
2008-07-30 我的神和你的神不同
2008-07-28 逃命医生∶警察要他捏造证据对付安华
2008-07-26 马来人大团结的鸡奸阴谋
2008-07-25 有关看法和事实
2008-07-24 马来西亚鸡奸年
2008-07-23 与「同谋」共度黄昏
2008-07-21 他们如何再次对安华捏造证据
2008-07-18 自掘坟墓
2008-07-14 意欲而成真
2008-07-11 好回教徒,坏回教徒
2008-07-09 回教法对普通法
2008-07-07 这全都在游戏里
2008-07-01 总警检双熊的伪造证据
2008-06-30 这令我想起…
2008-06-25 一个手掌拍不响
2008-06-18 ………之机率为何?
2008-06-16 是教育,不是立法
2008-06-14 杀掉老鼠,消除瘟疫
2008-06-13 无法解答的慕沙莎菲问题
2008-06-11 我的煽动指控的根据
2008-06-10 分而被谴
2008-06-06 回到基本∶1968年~2008年
2008-06-05 是的,生气吧,不过要生对气
2008-06-03 马来西亚的两种正义标准
2008-05-31 来自胡说回教徒的胡扯回教
2008-05-29 把马来人从回教中抽离
2008-05-28 巫统可以发动闪电大选吗?
2008-05-25 煽动法令的3500年
2008-05-23 唉!看来他们还是不明白
2008-05-21 一些雪州历史
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 致富光荣
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 《今日大马》将第一时间注册
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 打架伤感情
2007-04-14 亲爱的,结婚周年快乐!
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 我气疯了,他妈的疯了
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 好吧,放马过来!
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 被扭曲的历史
2007-12-13 自作自受
2007-12-19 毒树始终出毒果
2007-12-23 那些全都是犯戒的
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 当好的是坏的,而坏的是好的
2008-01-05 本质对修辞
2008-01-10 相对论
2008-01-16 马来人,回教之敌
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 丢掷骰子
2008-02-01 做么我酱鸟火滚
2008-02-06 人民是老板
2008-02-08 未来不在过往之中
2008-02-13 名不副实
2008-02-17 艰难之路,唯勇者成行
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 虎父无犬子
2008-03-01 人民之声乃金科玉律
2008-03-06 巫统马来人愚蠢,行动党华人笨蛋
2008-03-10 浴血战后的血路
2008-03-13 行动党最糟糕的敌人
2008-03-14 我反对回教州
2008-03-16 宋谷里的风波
2008-03-17 妥协,亦尚往来
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 丑陋的大马人
2008-03-26 你忘了是谁选你出来的了吗?
2008-03-26 不是你,而是他人决定你是什么
2008-03-28 真正的课题
2008-03-31 这是基本,我亲爱的华生
2008-04-02 君宪制与国会中的三份二多数议席的意义
2008-04-03 因小失大,因噎废食
2008-04-06 成年
2008-04-09 不管三七二十一
2008-04-10 娼妓满天下
2008-04-11 我的脑看到那些你要我看的
2008-04-13 很多苹果在大桶里
2008-04-14 来庆祝我们的结婚周年纪念
2008-04-16 我所认为的真相
2008-04-17 这只小猪上市场
2008-04-18 重温父子辩论
2008-04-20 让我们把一件事搞清楚些
2008-04-21 让我们少说一点种族废话吧
2008-04-22 华人和印度人是墙头草?
2008-04-24 行动党显露本色?
2008-04-25 送阿坦杜亚的谋害者到地狱里去
2008-04-29 真正的圣战
2008-05-01 V大卫,让劳动节成真的人
2008-05-03 马来人巨擎和平安岭上的静寂
2008-05-05 什么是回教?
2008-05-09 非常感谢,以及对不起,令大家失望了
2008-05-11 煽动罪与第一个「内安法令皇家扣留犯」
2008-05-13 《今日大马》可以相信吗?
2008-05-15 对回教大不敬?去他妈的!
2008-08-14 宝贝,你说的哦!
2008-08-13 13日星期五,死缠着你的一天
2008-08-07 男人的推动力∶金钱,权力与女人
2008-08-06 首屈一指的「鸡奸学家」∶沙菲宜阿都拉
2008-08-04 垂死挣扎∶临终之兆
2008-08-02 一石二鸟
2008-08-01 巫统八打灵区部主席控诉首相和副首相贪污
2008-07-30 我的神和你的神不同
2008-07-28 逃命医生∶警察要他捏造证据对付安华
2008-07-26 马来人大团结的鸡奸阴谋
2008-07-25 有关看法和事实
2008-07-24 马来西亚鸡奸年
2008-07-23 与「同谋」共度黄昏
2008-07-21 他们如何再次对安华捏造证据
2008-07-18 自掘坟墓
2008-07-14 意欲而成真
2008-07-11 好回教徒,坏回教徒
2008-07-09 回教法对普通法
2008-07-07 这全都在游戏里
2008-07-01 总警检双熊的伪造证据
2008-06-30 这令我想起…
2008-06-25 一个手掌拍不响
2008-06-18 ………之机率为何?
2008-06-16 是教育,不是立法
2008-06-14 杀掉老鼠,消除瘟疫
2008-06-13 无法解答的慕沙莎菲问题
2008-06-11 我的煽动指控的根据
2008-06-10 分而被谴
2008-06-06 回到基本∶1968年~2008年
2008-06-05 是的,生气吧,不过要生对气
2008-06-03 马来西亚的两种正义标准
2008-05-31 来自胡说回教徒的胡扯回教
2008-05-29 把马来人从回教中抽离
2008-05-28 巫统可以发动闪电大选吗?
2008-05-25 煽动法令的3500年
2008-05-23 唉!看来他们还是不明白
2008-05-21 一些雪州历史
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 致富光荣
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 《今日大马》将第一时间注册
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 打架伤感情
2007-04-14 亲爱的,结婚周年快乐!
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 我气疯了,他妈的疯了
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 好吧,放马过来!
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 被扭曲的历史
2007-12-13 自作自受
2007-12-19 毒树始终出毒果
2007-12-23 那些全都是犯戒的
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 当好的是坏的,而坏的是好的
2008-01-05 本质对修辞
2008-01-10 相对论
2008-01-16 马来人,回教之敌
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 丢掷骰子
2008-02-01 做么我酱鸟火滚
2008-02-06 人民是老板
2008-02-08 未来不在过往之中
2008-02-13 名不副实
2008-02-17 艰难之路,唯勇者成行
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 虎父无犬子
2008-03-01 人民之声乃金科玉律
2008-03-06 巫统马来人愚蠢,行动党华人笨蛋
2008-03-10 浴血战后的血路
2008-03-13 行动党最糟糕的敌人
2008-03-14 我反对回教州
2008-03-16 宋谷里的风波
2008-03-17 妥协,亦尚往来
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 丑陋的大马人
2008-03-26 你忘了是谁选你出来的了吗?
2008-03-26 不是你,而是他人决定你是什么
2008-03-28 真正的课题
2008-03-31 这是基本,我亲爱的华生
2008-04-02 君宪制与国会中的三份二多数议席的意义
2008-04-03 因小失大,因噎废食
2008-04-06 成年
2008-04-09 不管三七二十一
2008-04-10 娼妓满天下
2008-04-11 我的脑看到那些你要我看的
2008-04-13 很多苹果在大桶里
2008-04-14 来庆祝我们的结婚周年纪念
2008-04-16 我所认为的真相
2008-04-17 这只小猪上市场
2008-04-18 重温父子辩论
2008-04-20 让我们把一件事搞清楚些
2008-04-21 让我们少说一点种族废话吧
2008-04-22 华人和印度人是墙头草?
2008-04-24 行动党显露本色?
2008-04-25 送阿坦杜亚的谋害者到地狱里去
2008-04-29 真正的圣战
2008-05-01 V大卫,让劳动节成真的人
2008-05-03 马来人巨擎和平安岭上的静寂
2008-05-05 什么是回教?
2008-05-09 非常感谢,以及对不起,令大家失望了
2008-05-11 煽动罪与第一个「内安法令皇家扣留犯」
2008-05-13 《今日大马》可以相信吗?
2008-05-15 对回教大不敬?去他妈的!