
2008-08-14 峇东埔补选∶「鸡奸犯」对垒「骗子」兄弟
2008-08-12 巨人殺手—依占
2008-08-11 安华鸡奸指控的真正幕后主脑
2008-08-07 全国总警长以及总检察长还未知道的……
2008-08-04 大马一些严重又困惑的问题
2008-08-02 两大名案挑战朴素的大马
2008-08-01 院方失职,否认被指阴谋
2008-07-30 三天前洛万与赛夫会面
2008-07-28 安华不曾称拉欣诺做「狗」
2008-07-27 安华被殴不是偶然的,而是早有预谋
2008-07-26 安华被捕早有预谋
2008-07-25 安华被殴不是因为被激怒,而是事先就策划好的
2008-07-24 安华被捕并带到武吉安曼
2008-07-23 安华被逮捕前早有预谋
2008-07-22 安华要求医疗被拒
2008-07-21 阿都拉曼医生∶「我对各位医生的见解没有意见」
2008-07-20 莫哈默医生∶「这可能会导致骨头和脑内伤」
2008-07-19 哈林医生∶「安华有颈椎病,如果遭受重击可能致命」
2008-07-18 瓦山达医生说:「我被告知不要说任何话」
2008-07-17 安华哀求医疗,可是被置之不理
2008-07-16 安华被无故痛殴并在未获得医药治疗下任其自生自灭
2008-07-15 安华是如何在自首后依然被他们逮捕
2008-07-13 盲目崇拜已经向公正党催命
2008-07-10 光明日报采访拉惹柏特拉
2008-07-05 胜利者是……
2008-07-01 重温「石油换粮食」丑闻
2008-06-27 以色列幕后操纵大马皇家警察的资讯管理和保安系统
2008-06-24 人民联盟正失去控制
2008-06-20 纳吉在加定沙里航空服务诈欺案中扮演什么角色?
2008-06-19 酝酿中的马来联邦独立公国
2008-06-17 巫统史上最贵的党选
2008-06-12 现实与妄想之间
2008-06-11 马来西亚的考验期
2008-06-10 安华∶如果我无法降低油价,我将辞职
2008-06-06 马式退党∶马哈迪与阿都拉
2008-06-04 马来人大团结的烟幕
2008-06-02 将死巫统、AG和警方
2008-05-30 A队,B队∶巫统的十年之痒
2008-05-27 请准备好迎接闪电国会大选
2008-05-23 什么是煽动法?(第二部分)
2008-05-21 马哈迪的开局背后隐藏了什么?

2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 大马组织性犯罪集团∶条条大路通布城
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 树倒猢狲散
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 一帮废物
2007-12-21 魔三一
2007-12-27 巫统霸主和小拿破仑的灭绝
2008-01-01 2008年,同样是废,不同天而已
2008-01-05 霸主和重量级人马∶哥俩好
2008-01-10 十年河东,十年河西
2008-01-17 反对党里的「陈永仁」
2008-01-23 国家稻米公司,马来西亚的白米走私大王
2008-01-29 满城尽是蠢警察
2008-02-04 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后
2008-02-04 人民宣言
2008-02-05 马币7亿元的人--「苏丹」朱哈斯南
2008-02-09 敛钱老千绕圈捞钱
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 一个好,两个妙,三个呱呱叫
2008-02-22 翻旧帐,揭疮疤
2008-02-24 人民阵线海报
2008-02-25 瞒天过海,暗渡陈仓
2008-02-28 警方对二财政部长诺莫哈末耶谷的调查报告
2008-03-02 改变之风
2008-03-07 为何明天要投票
2008-03-09 大马国民,无论你身处何方,谢谢你
2008-03-12 在观念和事实之间
2008-03-13 反对党的黄卡
2008-03-15 鼠肚鸡肠
2008-03-18 513?什么513?
2008-03-20 倒数开始
2008-03-24 季候风在转向
2008-03-25 了解登嘉楼的州务大臣问题
2008-03-27 安华或姑里?比赛开始!
2008-04-01 回到未来 - 重访西贡沦陷
2008-04-05 烟幕和假象 - 事件的误导
2008-04-07 难兄难弟
2008-04-08 一骗再骗
2008-04-09 魔术!好一场魔术!
2008-04-12 抱头乱窜的走狗
2008-04-16 让我们摇头吧!
2008-04-17 巫统会外爆或是内爆呢?
2008-04-19 巫统的失败,人民的胜利
2008-04-19 阿都拉是否能在百日内被拉下台?
2008-04-21 哈罗!希山慕丁·尤努斯如何?
2008-04-23 说大话说过头
2008-04-24 沙巴议员到底过不过主?
2008-04-27 巫统真的已经山穷水尽
2008-04-30 我给沙里弗丁的回复
2008-05-04 剥茧抽丝
2008-05-11 什么是煽动法?(第一部分)
2008-05-12 如何反击和对付这些破坏活动
2008-05-17 落幕前的最后演出