出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred∶When good is bad and bad is good
It is not that Islam is violent or that Islam teaches violence. It is that all religions are violent and all religions teach violence. The only difference is, Muslims are good Muslims and they follow their religious teachings whereas those of other religions are bad Jews, Christians, etc., in that they do not follow what their religion teaches them.
12月30日的马新社报道蕉赖巫统区部主席拿督威拉沙益阿里(Syed Ali Al-Habshee)的说话「颠覆分子不应该被允许发言,因为他们对国家有威胁。」他告诉马新社说,「我们要政府采取严厉的行动,甚至不惜利用内安法令。」
是的,我还记得,在二三十年前,还有些父母会奉献自己女儿的初夜给那些「Tok Syed」,以求蒙福。最重要的是,自己的女儿能够得到先知后代的「种」。
我说的都是真的!没有假话。本来我也要把自己的名字,从「Raja」换去「Syed」的,不过看到送上门来的都没几个是漂亮的,所以作罢。我想,那些「Tok Syeds」的眼光也是一般而已。
“Subversives should not be allowed to voice out ideas, says Syed Ali,” screamed the headlines of this Bernama news items yesterday.
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 30 (Bernama) -- Subversives and radicals should not be given opportunities to voice out their ideas and views because they pose a threat to the country's peace and stability, said Cheras Umno chief, Senator Datuk Syed Ali Alhabshee.
"We want the government to take stern action, if there is a need to use the ISA (Internal Security Act), then so be it," he told Bernama.
He was commenting on the remarks by Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in Keningau, Sabah, yesterday that the government would take stern action against any group bent on creating chaos in the country to gain power.
Earlier, Syed Ali had presented clothes and schooling materials to 50 orphans from Al-Qadim Organisation donated by the Jalan Peel Umno branch and local people's associations.
That was what Bernama reported Syed Ali Alhabshee as saying. In case many of you don't know, 'Syed' means his forefathers (not 'four fathers') came from the land of the Prophet Muhammad. 'Alhabshee', in turn, means his ancestors originally came from Ethiopia. This probably happened in the days when Islam was expanding and the Muslim army was conquering the areas surrounding the Arabian Peninsular. Those who resisted the Muslim army and lost the war would either be killed or captured and taken as slaves (while the beautiful women would become your plaything). So Syed Ali's ancestors were probably Ethiopian prisoners brought back to the Arabian Peninsular as slaves to look after the camels and clean out their shit every morning until the day either they or the camels died.
But Malays, being the simple-minded people that they are and a race that is always awed by anything and everything that allegedly comes from the land of the Prophet, would certainly treat what this descendant of a slave from Ethiopia has to say with great importance (hell, they even made him a Senator). After all, he does carry a 'Syed' in front of his name and all those with a 'Syed' or 'Sharifah' in front of their names are 'special' people because they are supposed to be descendants of the Prophet (or at least descendants of those who cleaned the shit from the Prophet's camels).
Yes, I remember 20 or 30 years ago when parents would offer their anak dara (virgin daughters) to a 'Tok Syed' for the night so that their daughter can 'terima berkat' (receive blessings). This would involve the 'Tok Syed' impregnating the virgin daughter who would then be blessed with the sperm of a descendant of the Prophet. Hey, this is true, no bullshit, and I almost changed my name from 'Raja' to 'Syed' but then I did not see many beauties on offer so it would have been a total waste of time as far as I was concerned (I suppose 'Tok Syeds' are not too fussy and have set lower standards for themselves).
But that is really not what I want to talk about today. What I want to talk about is the recent tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto. I was shocked when I first received that SMS informing me about the assassination. I just couldn't understand why they would want to do something like that. My immediate and unthinking response was I hope it was not a Muslim who did this. On second thoughts, maybe it is better after all if a Muslim did carry out the assassination because if a Hindu had done it I just can't imagine the ethnic cleansing that would follow. As it is, the India-Pakistan conflict has already claimed more than one million lives.
Actually, calling it an Indian-Pakistani conflict is not quite right. It was actually a Hindu-Muslim conflict that resulted in India being partitioned into separate regions for Hindus and Muslims to keep them from each other's throats. The conflict of course continued even after the partitioning of India and it thereafter became known as the India-Pakistan conflict when it should really have been called the Hindu-Islam conflict.
Anyway, the brouhaha of the Benazir assassination made us forget the first anniversary of Saddam Hussein's hanging on 30 December last year. I was also very upset when I saw the manner in how they killed Saddam. I of course do not condone what Saddam did but if you have to kill a man as punishment for his crimes then the condemned person should at least be allowed to die with dignity. A man should not huff and puff his last breathe at the end of a swinging rope to the sounds of taunting and cursing. You are sending him to his Maker. Is it so wrong to allow him to leave this world in peace and with his dignity intact?
The last 50 years or so have seen the most violent side of Islam. Actually this has not been happening over only the last 50 years. It is just that with radio and television, and now the internet, the world has better access to information -- so it is more visible now than it was in, say, the 1800s and the period before that. Today it is in real-time so you get to see it as it happens. But the violence has always been there from the period soon after the Prophet's death. It is just that we did not see it from the comfort of our living rooms. Many of the Muslim leaders down to the Caliphs of the Medina period suffered violent deaths, as did the children and grandchildren of the Prophet. Yes, that's right, even the immediate family and descendants of the Prophet were not spared this violence.
Are Muslims violent by nature? Is this in their genes? Or is Islam a violent religion and that is why the followers and believers of Islam are so violent?
No, it is not that Muslims are violent by nature. Many are actually very nice people (me included -- unless you say something stupid, then I whack you to kingdom come). And it is also not Islam that is at fault. Sure, I know what the Islam-phobics are now going to say. Islam is a violent religion. Islam teaches violence. The Quran teaches Muslims to become violent. And so on and so forth.
You are actually only partly correct. It is not that Islam is violent or that Islam teaches violence. It is that all religions are violent and all religions teach violence. The only difference is, Muslims are good Muslims and they follow their religious teachings whereas those of other religions are bad Jews, Christians, etc., in that they do not follow what their religion teaches them.
The problem, in a nutshell, is that Muslims are good Muslims whereas Jews and Christians are bad Jews and Christians. Now, if the Jews and Christians are good Jews and Christians, then they will be just like Muslims because Judaism and Christianity, just like Islam, all teach the same thing. But while Muslims follow to the letter, and to the spirit, what they are taught, the Jews and Christians are deviants who do not comply to what their religion teaches them. In short, Muslims are bad because they are good whereas Jews and Christians are good because they are bad. Confused? You should be!
Okay, let us look at what Prophet Muhammad and the Quran say. Muhammad said he did not introduce a new religion. The Quran confirms this and talks about the religion of Abraham, the same religion for the followers of Moses and Jesus. Now see what Mathew says:
"I come not to abolish the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill them. Till heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle shall pass from the law, till all be fulfilled" (Matthew 5.17,18)
Mathew, just like the Quran, confirms that the teachings and laws of the Prophets before that are to be upheld. None have been abolished or abrogated. Okay, what about the punishment of stoning to death for adulteresses and apostates? This is the so-called barbaric 'Taliban' laws of the Muslims, so say the Islam-phobics. Actually it is not. It is a Jewish-Christian law that Islam 'borrowed'. Remember, Islam is not a new religion but the religion of Abraham, which is also the religion of Moses and Jesus. See what Deuteronomy, chapter 13, has to say about apostasy.
13:6 If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers;
13:7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;
13:8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him:
13:9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people.
13:10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
That's right, apostates must be killed, and you must strike the first blow. Then the entire community is to join in and keep stoning the apostate until he or she stops breathing. That is what Moses and Jesus taught us if you go by the correct teachings of Judaism and Christianity. And Judaism, Christianity and Islam are not new religions but the religion of Abraham. And while Muslims are good Muslims, Jews and Christians are bad Jews and Christians. That is the real problem here.
Okay, Muslims go to war and those 'enemies of God' can be killed or, if they admit defeat and surrender, can be captured and taken as slaves. The women of those killed can also be captured even if they did not carry arms. And if the women are beautiful then it is lawful for you to keep them as your concubines and you can have sex with them. Of course, this was practiced many generations ago during the time of the Islamic conquest and is not quite the practice today. But what many do not know is that this is not an Islamic thing but is what the religions before Islam stipulated and this has never been abrogated from the Holy Books of the Jews, Christians or Muslims. In other words, it is still lawful to this very day if you want to do it.
This is what Deuteronomy, chapter 21, has to say:
21:10 When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the LORD thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,
21:11 And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;
21:12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;
21:13 And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
21:14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
Another controversy is with regards to the cutting off the hands of thieves. Islam has been whacked as being very barbaric when some Muslim countries implement this law. Is that so? Well, see how the religions before Islam punished wayward sons:
21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
21:19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
21:20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21:21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
21:22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:
21:23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.
No, Islam is not violent. All religions are violent. The problem is, only Muslims still follow what the Holy Books stipulate. People of the other religions deviate from their religious teachings and refuse to follow what their religions stipulate. This makes them bad people. People who have no respect for their own religion and refuse to follow their religion's teachings are bad people, they can't be good people.
The only crime that Muslims have committed is that they are good Muslims. Just because Jews and Christians refuse to follow what their religion teaches them does not make them good people. They are bad Jews and Christians. If they can't even follow their own religion's teachings how can they be good? How can we trust anyone who does not respect their own religion? And, worse of all, they accuse Muslims of being bad people because, according to them, the Quran is bad and it teaches Muslims to be bad. But the Quran is only a continuation of Abraham's teachings which is the same teachings for the Jews and Christians. Unfortunately, because the west controls the media, they make it appear like good Muslims are bad for following their religion's teachings whereas bad Jews and Christians are good for not following their religion's teachings.
Confused? You should be!
毫不留情∶A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred∶A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
The hypocrisy of Muslims is so mind-boggling that sometimes I am ashamed to admit I am a Muslim. Stupid Muslims do and say stupid things while those who know better keep quiet and pretend what is being said and done by these stupid people is correct. Their silence and inaction in opposing and correcting transgressions and violations to Islam make these people guilty of complicity. Those who remain quiet are as guilty as those who commit these crimes against Islam.
According to Islamic history, Muhammad was a 'restless soul' who used to withdraw from society to contemplate all alone in a deserted cave for days on end. In this isolation or 'solitary confinement', Muhammad would ponder in search of the Creator. One day, the Angel Gabriel descended to earth to command Muhammad to read. Muhammad replied that he was unlearned and could not read whereby Gabriel repeated the command to Muhammad who continued protesting that he was not capable of reading. Gabriel finally grabbed Muhammad and shook him with such great force that he was compelled to obey the command lest his very life get shaken out of him.
Muhammad was greatly disturbed and in utter shock. He ran back to his wife, Khatijah, and jumped under the blanket while relating to her what he had just experienced. Khatijah, who was older than him and probably quite intelligent considering she already owned a successful business enterprise before she married Muhammad, decided to go see her cousin. Some accounts say she brought Muhammad to meet her cousin. Suffice to say, whether Muhammad did or did not go along, Khatijah did go see her cousin and there appears to be no dispute on this point.
Khatijah's cousin had much earlier converted to Christianity and was an ulama or learned person. When he heard what Khatijah had to relate he said that Muhammad was destined to become a Prophet and he prayed he would still be alive to see this happen. He also predicted that Muhammad would face much trials and tribulations in his God-given mission to spread the word and to bring the Arabs out of the darkness of paganism in the period that Muslims call the era of ignorance or jahil.
Yes, it was a Christian who in a way 'anointed' Muhammad as the Prophet of Islam when Muhammad himself thought he was going mad and told his wife so. But Khatijah's cousin, the learned Christian, convinced Khatijah that Muhammad was not going mad but had been chosen by God as the next Prophet and that she should go home and inform Muhammad of this. Muhammad would probably never have returned to that cave and would instead have asked Khatijah to commit him into a mental asylum if not for her learned Christian cousin.
That, in a nutshell, was the relationship between Muhammad and Christianity in the days when Muhammad had not yet 'seen the light'. And it took a Christian to convince Muhammad that he was not going mad but was in fact a Prophet. And, yes, the Christian cousin of Muhammad's wife was an Arab, as was Muhammad, and the Arab Bible was in Arabic, the language of Islam, and the Arab Christian God was called Allah, as was the God of the pagan Arabs who also had 360 other Gods alongside Allah -- which about 21 years later were all 'sacked' in favour of just the one God, Allah, the same God of the Jews and Christians of the Arabian Peninsular of that era.
This controversy about banning the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Bible and banning the use of the word Allah in the Bible is not new. Of course, more than 1,500 years ago in Arabia, the Arabic version of the Bible was not banned, nor was the use of the word Allah in the Bible. In fact, there was already an Arabic Bible long before there was an Arabic Quran and the Arab Christians already called God Allah long before Gabriel commanded Muhammad to read.
Malaysian Ministers are expected to be learned in matters of religion and Islamic history. And if they are not then it is expected that those from Pusat Islam and the Religious Department who are would be able to guide the Ministers on what is right and what is not. But ignorant Ministers make stupid statements and come out with stupid policies while learned Muslims from Pusat Islam and the Religious Department, who are there only for the salary and not because of Islam, shut their mouths and do not dare make a squeak.
The hypocrisy of Muslims is so mind-boggling that sometimes I am ashamed to admit I am a Muslim. Stupid Muslims do and say stupid things while those who know better keep quiet and pretend what is being said and done by these stupid people is correct. Their silence and inaction in opposing and correcting transgressions and violations to Islam make these people guilty of complicity. Those who remain quiet are as guilty as those who commit these crimes against Islam.
I give up on Muslims who are all bloody hypocrites. These people are more concerned about young people who hold hands in a park or about whether the clothes they wear are too 'sexy'. These people do not care whether there are injustices to Islam perpetuated in the name of Islam. Islam is being put to ridicule. And our government and Prime Minister say one thing but do the opposite.
Badawi asks Malaysians to adopt moderate path
Kuala Lumpur, Dec 26, 2007 : Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has again criticised the narrow-mindedness and intolerance propounded by a small group of people and has urged his countrymen to adopt a moderate path.
"Over the last few months, narrow-mindedness and intolerance, propounded by a small group, have served to test our faith in each other," he said in his Christmas message.
Malaysians should move forward and put the country's interest before any narrowly defined demands," he was quoted as saying by the Star newspaper Wednesday.
Malaysia has been in the news following a protest rally staged by Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), which claims to speak for the Indian ethnic community, who form eight percent of the country's 27 million people.
Hindraf organised a rally Nov 25 that attracted an estimated 10,000 people. Although it was peaceful, police dispersed it using water cannons and tear gas.
Thirty-one protestors were prosecuted, while five of the Hindraf leaders are in jail for two years under the stringent Internal Security Act (ISA).
Malaysia rejected concerns raised by India and the US, terming it 'interference in its domestic affairs'.
Noting that there was a lot in common between Islam and Christianity, he said: "Despite all the rhetoric, the great religions of the world practised across Malaysia share many universal beliefs.
"If moderation does not take centre stage, extremism will take the place and we will all be dragged into it, whether it comes from the basis of religion, race or groups," he warned.
"This is what we should watch out for, this is what it give us problems," said Badawi in his speech at a Christmas tea party organised by the Christian Federation of Malaysia and hosted by Kuala Lumpur's Archbishop Murphy Pakiam.
He also called on the people to uphold the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect that they had been practising in a multi-racial community. --- IANS
Sabah church sues PM over book ban
Soon Li Tsin, Malaysiakini | Dec 24, 07 4:46pm
A Sabah church has sued the government and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in his capacity as internal security minister for not allowing the import of Christian literature from Indonesia containing the word ‘Allah’.
Sabah Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) Church president Pastor Jerry Dusing filed the suit on behalf of the church at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Dec 10 after six titles for their Sunday school education for children were banned from being imported.
The church is also asking the court to compel the minister to return the consignment of materials that were ‘unlawfully detained’ by customs officers at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal on Aug 15.
According to letters from the ministry, the books were banned because the Bahasa Indonesia publications contained various words that are exclusive only to Islam.
The words in contention are ‘Allah’ (God), ‘Baitullah’ (House of God), ‘Solat’ (prayer) and ‘Kaabah’ (The Sacred House).
The letters state that the ministry is allowed to stop any propagation of religious doctrine or belief to Muslims in accordance with Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution allowing certain words to be restricted and prohibited from use.
The ministry explained that the prohibition was due to the uneasiness felt in the community during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the issue has become sensitive and been classified as a security issue.
It also stated further that the publications can raise confusion and controversy in the Malaysian society.
Dursing’s affidavit rebuts several of these points including the use of Alkitab - the Bahasa Indonesia translation of the Holy Bible - where the word ‘Allah’ appears.
“The Christian usage of ‘Allah’ predates Islam. ‘Allah’ is the name of God in the old and the modern Arabic Bible.
“The Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia translations of the Holy Bible have been used by Christian native peoples in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak for generations,” it stated.
Educational purpose
He also noted that the publications was for educational purposes within the church and was not for sale or distribution outside the church.
“The publications will not be made available to members of the public and in particular to a person professing the religion of Islam.
“The publications contain nothing which is likely to cause public alarm or which touches on the sensitivities of Islam,” the affidavit read.
A range of constitutional provision were also raised by the applicants. The hearing for the application for leave in the Kuala Lumpur High Court is scheduled to take place on Dec 27.
The controversy over the use of ‘Allah’ in non-Islam publications recently surfaced when Herald - the largest Catholic newspaper - was facing problems when renewing its annual publishing permit because of the word ‘Allah’ was used in referring to ‘God’ in its Bahasa Malaysia section.
The ministry has told the publisher to remove the entire Bahasa Malaysia section or the permit will not be renewed when it expires next week.
Asked for an explanation on the matter, Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharum said the word ‘Allah’ can only be used in the context of Islam and not any other religion.
The Herald, which is published in four languages - English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil - has a circulation of 12,000.
Bible Ban Shock in Southeast Asian Democracy
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief
April 17, 2003
As Christians around the world prepare to mark their most important holiday, hundreds of thousands of believers in southeast Asia face the prospect of celebrating Easter without free access to the Bible.
In a decision indigenous Christians in eastern Malaysia have found incomprehensible, their government in Kuala Lumpur - which considers itself one of Asia's more successful democracies - has banned the Bible in their native tongue.
The Iban, the largest of 27 indigenous ethnic groups in Sarawak province on Borneo island, have since 1988 had access to the entire Bible in their own language, published by the Bible Society of Malaysia.
But now the mainly Muslim government's Home Ministry has named the Iban-language Bible as one of 35 publications it is banning because they are considered "detrimental to public peace."
Among the other books listed are Christian books in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, the national languages of those two countries.
They include translations of books in English by well-known Western evangelical authors J.I. Packer and John Stott. Others are books on Islamic subjects.
The books were listed in a ministry statement that cited various publication laws and said the "printing, import, production, reproduction, sale, circulation, distribution and possession of books listed under the schedule are banned in the country."
Anyone found guilty of breaching the ban faces up to three years in jail, fines of up to $5,200 or both.
About 9 percent of Malaysia's 23 million people are Christians, and most live in the east of the country. Iban is spoken by more than 400,000 people, members of a Borneo tribe that was once feared for its head-hunting.
Many have converted to Christianity, while some still practice traditional religious rituals.
Islam is Malaysia's official religion, although the federal constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to profess, practice and propagate their religion.
That freedom is subject to another clause saying that laws "may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam."
Critics say this provision provides the authorities with a loophole, for example by identifying publications they can claim cause confusion among Muslims.
With the approach of Easter, an umbrella group called the Association of Churches in Sarawak issued a statement saying Christians in the province could not understand why their Bible has been banned.
"To find Bup Kudus [the Iban-language Bible] banned now has caused confusion, fear, anxiety and alarm among the Christian community in Sarawak," said the group, which comprises Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and others churches.
"Without the Iban Bible, we cannot conduct the church services," said the association's chairman, Pastor Lawrence Banyie.
'Muslims may be confused'
A local paper quoted a senior official in the ministry's "publications control" division, Elias Mat Rabi, as saying the banned books breached guidelines for religious books.
They used several terms that were also used in Islam, which could confuse people, he said.
Reached by phone in the Sarawak capital, Kuching, on Thursday, Elias declined to comment, or to explain how the Bible and other books were considered dangerous.
The secretary-general of the Malaysia National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, the Rev. Wong Kim Kong, said from Kuala Lumpur there had for some time been difficulties over the fact that some words used in Islam were also used in Christian publications.
Some Muslim leaders thought this could perplex Muslims who picked up such books.
Among the words that cause concern is "Allah." It's the word Muslims use for the deity they worship, but the Arabic word pre-dated Islam and is also used by Christian Arabs when referring to God - despite the considerable differences in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic conceptions of God.
The Iban translation of the Bible uses the term "Allah Taala" for God, while the other banned Christian books, in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, also use "Allah" for God.
This is thought likely to be one of the problem areas for the Home Ministry.
Kong said it was wrong for a specific religion to claim monopoly over certain words. "Terminology or language doesn't belong to any particular religion. It is universal property."
If the government was worried some Muslims may be confused, it was the government's responsibility to tackle the problem through educational programs aimed at Muslims - not by banning Christian books, he said.
"In a multi-cultural, multi-religious society like ours, it is important for the government to go through a process of what we call 'natural justice' - it should consult or discuss with the organizations concerned before making a decision affecting them."
Kong and other Christian leaders have scheduled a meeting with a government deputy minister later this month to discuss the ban, he said.
A representative of the Bible Society of Malaysia, Dr. Victor Wong, said Thursday the publishers were flabbergasted at why the government had chosen to ban the Iban translation 15 years after the first edition came out.
The Iban version was now in its eighth edition, and a run of around 5,000 were printed about every five years, he said.
Wong declined to comment further, saying the Society was "watching to see what happens" before taking further action. He noted that a number of Christian bodies had protested the government action.
The Christian community has also won support from the Democratic Action Party (DAP), a secular opposition party, which said the ban should be lifted.
DAP lawmaker Teresa Kok called the ban arbitrary and unjustifiable, and asked the government to "explain why it considers the books to be detrimental to public health."
Stung By Outcry, Malaysia Gov't Reverses Bible Ban
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief
May 01, 2003
An outcry from Malaysian Christians has prompted the government of the predominantly Muslim country to reverse its ban on Bibles published in the language of an indigenous ethnic group.
The decision was announced by acting Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who said banning the Iban-language Bible would spark anger in the Christian community.
The edition was banned last month, 15 years after it was first published to serve the needs of a community of erstwhile headhunters on Borneo island, many of whom have converted from animism to Christianity.
The decision to ban the Iban Bible, plus 34 other religious books considered "detrimental to public peace," was attributed to officials at the Home Ministry, acting on the advice of the Department of Islamic Development.
The department's main gripe was that the Iban translation of the Bible uses the term "Allah" for God.
The contention was that this could confuse any Muslim picking up the Iban Bible.
Among the other banned books were several Christian books by well-known Western evangelical authors, translated into the Malaysian and Indonesian national languages, and also using the word "Allah" for God.
Other books were on Islamic subjects, but not deemed orthodox.
Announcing the reversal of the ban, Abdullah said the Department of Islamic Development had felt use of the word "Allah" was inappropriate and that the Iban Bible therefore breached official guidelines for non-Islamic religious books.
He said his subsequent consultation with church leaders revealed that "the word had been used by the community as a reference to God for a very long time."
It was therefore not necessary to ban the Bible, Abdullah said, but added that it was important to ensure that religious books available in Malaysia did "not touch on the sensitivity of other religions, especially Islam."
About 60 percent of Malaysia's 23 million people are Muslims, and less than 10 percent are Christians.
About half of the 400,000 Iban, who live in Malaysia's Sarawak province on Borneo island, are Christians.
The Bible Society of Malaysia has since 1988 published the entire Bible in the Iban tongue. It also prints Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, and two other minor languages.
The decision to ban the Iban edition drew widespread condemnation, lead to heated debate on Malaysian online news portals, and prompted the launch of a petition that was signed by 1,400 people within a week.
Judging from comments on online forums, some Malaysians clearly felt the issue had less to do with semantics than with politicians pandering to their ethnic constituents ahead of elections later this year.
Church leaders, both Iban and others, appealed for it to be lifted.
'Violated constitution'
Ong Kian Ming, the Malaysian who organized the petition and conveyed it to the authorities via "informal channels," is a Christian and senior policy analyst with an independent think tank called the Socio-Economic Development and Research (Sedar) Institute.
He said Thursday he had taken the action because the Bible ban clearly violated the article in the federal constitution guaranteeing religious freedom for all Malaysians.
Ong attributed the ban to overzealous bureaucrats who wanted to monopolize the word "Allah" for Malaysian Muslims, "without realizing that Arab speaking Christians use the word Allah to address their God."
Theologians say Christians in the Arab world used the word "Allah" for God before the founding of Islam in the seventh century, and still do today, even though Muslims and Christians have substantially different conceptions of "God."
Ong welcomed the announcement that the ban was to be lifted, saying it was a positive sign that religious freedom would be upheld when Abdullah becomes premier. Veteran Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is retiring in October.
"It assuages some of the fears many Christians here in Malaysia here have in regards to the increase of religious intolerance," Ong said.
To prevent a recurrence, Ong said the Sedar Institute recommended the establishment of an inter-religious council under the prime minister's department, comprising representatives of all religions and designed to discuss government decisions affecting all religions.
He also questioned the decision to leave the ban on the other books in place.
'Exact science'
According to Dr. Victor Wong of the Bible Society, there are no plans at present to change any words in future editions of the Iban Bible.
The matter may be discussed in some future forum, he said from Kuala Lumpur Thursday, but there could be "theological implications" to changing words.
"Bible translation is quite an exact science," he said.
Asked whether the Iban language had another word that could be used for "God," Wong explained that as a formerly animist tribe, the Iban had "all sorts of gods" and care had to be taken not to cause confusion through bad translation.
Wong said there had been an upside to the controversy, as it focused attention on the Iban Christians and an edition of the Bible that many Malaysians had not known existed before now.
It had also resulted in "a very good show of solidarity" among Christians in Malaysia.
"The important thing, though, is that the Iban come to know God, through having the Bible in their own language."
Wong described the Iban as a tribe renowned in the past for fierceness in battle, but which at the same time was also fearful because of the many gods it acknowledged.
He knew of cases where an Iban would refuse to leave the house after hearing the cry of a bird, which was interpreted as a bad omen.
Christianity had helped the Iban to leave behind this fearful existence, Wong said.
"Their lives were changed because of the word of God."
原题∶No Hold Barred∶A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
The hypocrisy of Muslims is so mind-boggling that sometimes I am ashamed to admit I am a Muslim. Stupid Muslims do and say stupid things while those who know better keep quiet and pretend what is being said and done by these stupid people is correct. Their silence and inaction in opposing and correcting transgressions and violations to Islam make these people guilty of complicity. Those who remain quiet are as guilty as those who commit these crimes against Islam.
According to Islamic history, Muhammad was a 'restless soul' who used to withdraw from society to contemplate all alone in a deserted cave for days on end. In this isolation or 'solitary confinement', Muhammad would ponder in search of the Creator. One day, the Angel Gabriel descended to earth to command Muhammad to read. Muhammad replied that he was unlearned and could not read whereby Gabriel repeated the command to Muhammad who continued protesting that he was not capable of reading. Gabriel finally grabbed Muhammad and shook him with such great force that he was compelled to obey the command lest his very life get shaken out of him.
Muhammad was greatly disturbed and in utter shock. He ran back to his wife, Khatijah, and jumped under the blanket while relating to her what he had just experienced. Khatijah, who was older than him and probably quite intelligent considering she already owned a successful business enterprise before she married Muhammad, decided to go see her cousin. Some accounts say she brought Muhammad to meet her cousin. Suffice to say, whether Muhammad did or did not go along, Khatijah did go see her cousin and there appears to be no dispute on this point.
Khatijah's cousin had much earlier converted to Christianity and was an ulama or learned person. When he heard what Khatijah had to relate he said that Muhammad was destined to become a Prophet and he prayed he would still be alive to see this happen. He also predicted that Muhammad would face much trials and tribulations in his God-given mission to spread the word and to bring the Arabs out of the darkness of paganism in the period that Muslims call the era of ignorance or jahil.
Yes, it was a Christian who in a way 'anointed' Muhammad as the Prophet of Islam when Muhammad himself thought he was going mad and told his wife so. But Khatijah's cousin, the learned Christian, convinced Khatijah that Muhammad was not going mad but had been chosen by God as the next Prophet and that she should go home and inform Muhammad of this. Muhammad would probably never have returned to that cave and would instead have asked Khatijah to commit him into a mental asylum if not for her learned Christian cousin.
That, in a nutshell, was the relationship between Muhammad and Christianity in the days when Muhammad had not yet 'seen the light'. And it took a Christian to convince Muhammad that he was not going mad but was in fact a Prophet. And, yes, the Christian cousin of Muhammad's wife was an Arab, as was Muhammad, and the Arab Bible was in Arabic, the language of Islam, and the Arab Christian God was called Allah, as was the God of the pagan Arabs who also had 360 other Gods alongside Allah -- which about 21 years later were all 'sacked' in favour of just the one God, Allah, the same God of the Jews and Christians of the Arabian Peninsular of that era.
This controversy about banning the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Bible and banning the use of the word Allah in the Bible is not new. Of course, more than 1,500 years ago in Arabia, the Arabic version of the Bible was not banned, nor was the use of the word Allah in the Bible. In fact, there was already an Arabic Bible long before there was an Arabic Quran and the Arab Christians already called God Allah long before Gabriel commanded Muhammad to read.
Malaysian Ministers are expected to be learned in matters of religion and Islamic history. And if they are not then it is expected that those from Pusat Islam and the Religious Department who are would be able to guide the Ministers on what is right and what is not. But ignorant Ministers make stupid statements and come out with stupid policies while learned Muslims from Pusat Islam and the Religious Department, who are there only for the salary and not because of Islam, shut their mouths and do not dare make a squeak.
The hypocrisy of Muslims is so mind-boggling that sometimes I am ashamed to admit I am a Muslim. Stupid Muslims do and say stupid things while those who know better keep quiet and pretend what is being said and done by these stupid people is correct. Their silence and inaction in opposing and correcting transgressions and violations to Islam make these people guilty of complicity. Those who remain quiet are as guilty as those who commit these crimes against Islam.
I give up on Muslims who are all bloody hypocrites. These people are more concerned about young people who hold hands in a park or about whether the clothes they wear are too 'sexy'. These people do not care whether there are injustices to Islam perpetuated in the name of Islam. Islam is being put to ridicule. And our government and Prime Minister say one thing but do the opposite.
Badawi asks Malaysians to adopt moderate path
Kuala Lumpur, Dec 26, 2007 : Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has again criticised the narrow-mindedness and intolerance propounded by a small group of people and has urged his countrymen to adopt a moderate path.
"Over the last few months, narrow-mindedness and intolerance, propounded by a small group, have served to test our faith in each other," he said in his Christmas message.
Malaysians should move forward and put the country's interest before any narrowly defined demands," he was quoted as saying by the Star newspaper Wednesday.
Malaysia has been in the news following a protest rally staged by Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf), which claims to speak for the Indian ethnic community, who form eight percent of the country's 27 million people.
Hindraf organised a rally Nov 25 that attracted an estimated 10,000 people. Although it was peaceful, police dispersed it using water cannons and tear gas.
Thirty-one protestors were prosecuted, while five of the Hindraf leaders are in jail for two years under the stringent Internal Security Act (ISA).
Malaysia rejected concerns raised by India and the US, terming it 'interference in its domestic affairs'.
Noting that there was a lot in common between Islam and Christianity, he said: "Despite all the rhetoric, the great religions of the world practised across Malaysia share many universal beliefs.
"If moderation does not take centre stage, extremism will take the place and we will all be dragged into it, whether it comes from the basis of religion, race or groups," he warned.
"This is what we should watch out for, this is what it give us problems," said Badawi in his speech at a Christmas tea party organised by the Christian Federation of Malaysia and hosted by Kuala Lumpur's Archbishop Murphy Pakiam.
He also called on the people to uphold the spirit of tolerance and mutual respect that they had been practising in a multi-racial community. --- IANS
Sabah church sues PM over book ban
Soon Li Tsin, Malaysiakini | Dec 24, 07 4:46pm
A Sabah church has sued the government and Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in his capacity as internal security minister for not allowing the import of Christian literature from Indonesia containing the word ‘Allah’.
Sabah Sidang Injil Borneo (SIB) Church president Pastor Jerry Dusing filed the suit on behalf of the church at the Kuala Lumpur High Court on Dec 10 after six titles for their Sunday school education for children were banned from being imported.
The church is also asking the court to compel the minister to return the consignment of materials that were ‘unlawfully detained’ by customs officers at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal on Aug 15.
According to letters from the ministry, the books were banned because the Bahasa Indonesia publications contained various words that are exclusive only to Islam.
The words in contention are ‘Allah’ (God), ‘Baitullah’ (House of God), ‘Solat’ (prayer) and ‘Kaabah’ (The Sacred House).
The letters state that the ministry is allowed to stop any propagation of religious doctrine or belief to Muslims in accordance with Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution allowing certain words to be restricted and prohibited from use.
The ministry explained that the prohibition was due to the uneasiness felt in the community during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the issue has become sensitive and been classified as a security issue.
It also stated further that the publications can raise confusion and controversy in the Malaysian society.
Dursing’s affidavit rebuts several of these points including the use of Alkitab - the Bahasa Indonesia translation of the Holy Bible - where the word ‘Allah’ appears.
“The Christian usage of ‘Allah’ predates Islam. ‘Allah’ is the name of God in the old and the modern Arabic Bible.
“The Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia translations of the Holy Bible have been used by Christian native peoples in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak for generations,” it stated.
Educational purpose
He also noted that the publications was for educational purposes within the church and was not for sale or distribution outside the church.
“The publications will not be made available to members of the public and in particular to a person professing the religion of Islam.
“The publications contain nothing which is likely to cause public alarm or which touches on the sensitivities of Islam,” the affidavit read.
A range of constitutional provision were also raised by the applicants. The hearing for the application for leave in the Kuala Lumpur High Court is scheduled to take place on Dec 27.
The controversy over the use of ‘Allah’ in non-Islam publications recently surfaced when Herald - the largest Catholic newspaper - was facing problems when renewing its annual publishing permit because of the word ‘Allah’ was used in referring to ‘God’ in its Bahasa Malaysia section.
The ministry has told the publisher to remove the entire Bahasa Malaysia section or the permit will not be renewed when it expires next week.
Asked for an explanation on the matter, Deputy Internal Security Minister Johari Baharum said the word ‘Allah’ can only be used in the context of Islam and not any other religion.
The Herald, which is published in four languages - English, Bahasa Malaysia, Chinese and Tamil - has a circulation of 12,000.
Bible Ban Shock in Southeast Asian Democracy
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief
April 17, 2003
As Christians around the world prepare to mark their most important holiday, hundreds of thousands of believers in southeast Asia face the prospect of celebrating Easter without free access to the Bible.
In a decision indigenous Christians in eastern Malaysia have found incomprehensible, their government in Kuala Lumpur - which considers itself one of Asia's more successful democracies - has banned the Bible in their native tongue.
The Iban, the largest of 27 indigenous ethnic groups in Sarawak province on Borneo island, have since 1988 had access to the entire Bible in their own language, published by the Bible Society of Malaysia.
But now the mainly Muslim government's Home Ministry has named the Iban-language Bible as one of 35 publications it is banning because they are considered "detrimental to public peace."
Among the other books listed are Christian books in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, the national languages of those two countries.
They include translations of books in English by well-known Western evangelical authors J.I. Packer and John Stott. Others are books on Islamic subjects.
The books were listed in a ministry statement that cited various publication laws and said the "printing, import, production, reproduction, sale, circulation, distribution and possession of books listed under the schedule are banned in the country."
Anyone found guilty of breaching the ban faces up to three years in jail, fines of up to $5,200 or both.
About 9 percent of Malaysia's 23 million people are Christians, and most live in the east of the country. Iban is spoken by more than 400,000 people, members of a Borneo tribe that was once feared for its head-hunting.
Many have converted to Christianity, while some still practice traditional religious rituals.
Islam is Malaysia's official religion, although the federal constitution guarantees the right of all citizens to profess, practice and propagate their religion.
That freedom is subject to another clause saying that laws "may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among persons professing the religion of Islam."
Critics say this provision provides the authorities with a loophole, for example by identifying publications they can claim cause confusion among Muslims.
With the approach of Easter, an umbrella group called the Association of Churches in Sarawak issued a statement saying Christians in the province could not understand why their Bible has been banned.
"To find Bup Kudus [the Iban-language Bible] banned now has caused confusion, fear, anxiety and alarm among the Christian community in Sarawak," said the group, which comprises Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and others churches.
"Without the Iban Bible, we cannot conduct the church services," said the association's chairman, Pastor Lawrence Banyie.
'Muslims may be confused'
A local paper quoted a senior official in the ministry's "publications control" division, Elias Mat Rabi, as saying the banned books breached guidelines for religious books.
They used several terms that were also used in Islam, which could confuse people, he said.
Reached by phone in the Sarawak capital, Kuching, on Thursday, Elias declined to comment, or to explain how the Bible and other books were considered dangerous.
The secretary-general of the Malaysia National Evangelical Christian Fellowship, the Rev. Wong Kim Kong, said from Kuala Lumpur there had for some time been difficulties over the fact that some words used in Islam were also used in Christian publications.
Some Muslim leaders thought this could perplex Muslims who picked up such books.
Among the words that cause concern is "Allah." It's the word Muslims use for the deity they worship, but the Arabic word pre-dated Islam and is also used by Christian Arabs when referring to God - despite the considerable differences in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic conceptions of God.
The Iban translation of the Bible uses the term "Allah Taala" for God, while the other banned Christian books, in Bahasa Malaysia and Bahasa Indonesia, also use "Allah" for God.
This is thought likely to be one of the problem areas for the Home Ministry.
Kong said it was wrong for a specific religion to claim monopoly over certain words. "Terminology or language doesn't belong to any particular religion. It is universal property."
If the government was worried some Muslims may be confused, it was the government's responsibility to tackle the problem through educational programs aimed at Muslims - not by banning Christian books, he said.
"In a multi-cultural, multi-religious society like ours, it is important for the government to go through a process of what we call 'natural justice' - it should consult or discuss with the organizations concerned before making a decision affecting them."
Kong and other Christian leaders have scheduled a meeting with a government deputy minister later this month to discuss the ban, he said.
A representative of the Bible Society of Malaysia, Dr. Victor Wong, said Thursday the publishers were flabbergasted at why the government had chosen to ban the Iban translation 15 years after the first edition came out.
The Iban version was now in its eighth edition, and a run of around 5,000 were printed about every five years, he said.
Wong declined to comment further, saying the Society was "watching to see what happens" before taking further action. He noted that a number of Christian bodies had protested the government action.
The Christian community has also won support from the Democratic Action Party (DAP), a secular opposition party, which said the ban should be lifted.
DAP lawmaker Teresa Kok called the ban arbitrary and unjustifiable, and asked the government to "explain why it considers the books to be detrimental to public health."
Stung By Outcry, Malaysia Gov't Reverses Bible Ban
By Patrick Goodenough
CNSNews.com Pacific Rim Bureau Chief
May 01, 2003
An outcry from Malaysian Christians has prompted the government of the predominantly Muslim country to reverse its ban on Bibles published in the language of an indigenous ethnic group.
The decision was announced by acting Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who said banning the Iban-language Bible would spark anger in the Christian community.
The edition was banned last month, 15 years after it was first published to serve the needs of a community of erstwhile headhunters on Borneo island, many of whom have converted from animism to Christianity.
The decision to ban the Iban Bible, plus 34 other religious books considered "detrimental to public peace," was attributed to officials at the Home Ministry, acting on the advice of the Department of Islamic Development.
The department's main gripe was that the Iban translation of the Bible uses the term "Allah" for God.
The contention was that this could confuse any Muslim picking up the Iban Bible.
Among the other banned books were several Christian books by well-known Western evangelical authors, translated into the Malaysian and Indonesian national languages, and also using the word "Allah" for God.
Other books were on Islamic subjects, but not deemed orthodox.
Announcing the reversal of the ban, Abdullah said the Department of Islamic Development had felt use of the word "Allah" was inappropriate and that the Iban Bible therefore breached official guidelines for non-Islamic religious books.
He said his subsequent consultation with church leaders revealed that "the word had been used by the community as a reference to God for a very long time."
It was therefore not necessary to ban the Bible, Abdullah said, but added that it was important to ensure that religious books available in Malaysia did "not touch on the sensitivity of other religions, especially Islam."
About 60 percent of Malaysia's 23 million people are Muslims, and less than 10 percent are Christians.
About half of the 400,000 Iban, who live in Malaysia's Sarawak province on Borneo island, are Christians.
The Bible Society of Malaysia has since 1988 published the entire Bible in the Iban tongue. It also prints Bibles in Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese, and two other minor languages.
The decision to ban the Iban edition drew widespread condemnation, lead to heated debate on Malaysian online news portals, and prompted the launch of a petition that was signed by 1,400 people within a week.
Judging from comments on online forums, some Malaysians clearly felt the issue had less to do with semantics than with politicians pandering to their ethnic constituents ahead of elections later this year.
Church leaders, both Iban and others, appealed for it to be lifted.
'Violated constitution'
Ong Kian Ming, the Malaysian who organized the petition and conveyed it to the authorities via "informal channels," is a Christian and senior policy analyst with an independent think tank called the Socio-Economic Development and Research (Sedar) Institute.
He said Thursday he had taken the action because the Bible ban clearly violated the article in the federal constitution guaranteeing religious freedom for all Malaysians.
Ong attributed the ban to overzealous bureaucrats who wanted to monopolize the word "Allah" for Malaysian Muslims, "without realizing that Arab speaking Christians use the word Allah to address their God."
Theologians say Christians in the Arab world used the word "Allah" for God before the founding of Islam in the seventh century, and still do today, even though Muslims and Christians have substantially different conceptions of "God."
Ong welcomed the announcement that the ban was to be lifted, saying it was a positive sign that religious freedom would be upheld when Abdullah becomes premier. Veteran Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is retiring in October.
"It assuages some of the fears many Christians here in Malaysia here have in regards to the increase of religious intolerance," Ong said.
To prevent a recurrence, Ong said the Sedar Institute recommended the establishment of an inter-religious council under the prime minister's department, comprising representatives of all religions and designed to discuss government decisions affecting all religions.
He also questioned the decision to leave the ban on the other books in place.
'Exact science'
According to Dr. Victor Wong of the Bible Society, there are no plans at present to change any words in future editions of the Iban Bible.
The matter may be discussed in some future forum, he said from Kuala Lumpur Thursday, but there could be "theological implications" to changing words.
"Bible translation is quite an exact science," he said.
Asked whether the Iban language had another word that could be used for "God," Wong explained that as a formerly animist tribe, the Iban had "all sorts of gods" and care had to be taken not to cause confusion through bad translation.
Wong said there had been an upside to the controversy, as it focused attention on the Iban Christians and an edition of the Bible that many Malaysians had not known existed before now.
It had also resulted in "a very good show of solidarity" among Christians in Malaysia.
"The important thing, though, is that the Iban come to know God, through having the Bible in their own language."
Wong described the Iban as a tribe renowned in the past for fierceness in battle, but which at the same time was also fearful because of the many gods it acknowledged.
He knew of cases where an Iban would refuse to leave the house after hearing the cry of a bird, which was interpreted as a bad omen.
Christianity had helped the Iban to leave behind this fearful existence, Wong said.
"Their lives were changed because of the word of God."
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
无论如何,轮不到阿都拉来决定谁退位,谁上位。这是阿都拉的四楼智囊团的工作。有人说,凯里就是这些人的带头人了。是的,这些人就是如今在决定这个国家的未来的人物。要注意,其中的人物有Zaki Azmi, Omar Ong, Norza Zakaria还有一队立誓除旧立新,要效仿新加坡成功之路的积极优皮士。
Zaki和Omar来自一个可说是令人羡慕的家庭。他们还是小孩子的时候,他们的父亲早已名气冲天。他们的老板,凯里,也是来自一个精英世家。他的父亲是个外交官,自小就学于精英国际学校,同伴都是上等人物。 Norza(目前是第二财长的政治秘书,评论称他为下一任的达因)却是个异数。在这个讲究世家的封建政治世界,他却是出身于低下阶层,是个老师的儿子。
是的。马来西亚要看到改变了。Shahidan, Anuar, Tajol, Adnan, Rahim, Musa, Tengku Adnan, 还有许多老马时代的人就会走向Megat Junid, Sanusi和Khalil他们走的路。即使是Ku Li和Rais之类的,也难逃同样的下场。
原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
无论如何,轮不到阿都拉来决定谁退位,谁上位。这是阿都拉的四楼智囊团的工作。有人说,凯里就是这些人的带头人了。是的,这些人就是如今在决定这个国家的未来的人物。要注意,其中的人物有Zaki Azmi, Omar Ong, Norza Zakaria还有一队立誓除旧立新,要效仿新加坡成功之路的积极优皮士。
Zaki和Omar来自一个可说是令人羡慕的家庭。他们还是小孩子的时候,他们的父亲早已名气冲天。他们的老板,凯里,也是来自一个精英世家。他的父亲是个外交官,自小就学于精英国际学校,同伴都是上等人物。 Norza(目前是第二财长的政治秘书,评论称他为下一任的达因)却是个异数。在这个讲究世家的封建政治世界,他却是出身于低下阶层,是个老师的儿子。
是的。马来西亚要看到改变了。Shahidan, Anuar, Tajol, Adnan, Rahim, Musa, Tengku Adnan, 还有许多老马时代的人就会走向Megat Junid, Sanusi和Khalil他们走的路。即使是Ku Li和Rais之类的,也难逃同样的下场。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred : All that is haram
「haram」- 违反回教戒条的事物
「perhimpunan」- 集会
「halal」- 回教教条所允许的事物
即使在回教诞生之前,阿拉伯人也称他们的上苍为「Allah」。所以「Allah」不是回教的上苍的字眼。在回教时期之前,阿拉伯人相信有360个不同的神。 「Allah」也不是唯一的,他还有同伴和子女,还和精灵有一种特别的关系,不过,「Allah」是当时阿拉伯人所有众神的老板。
所以,集会是「haram」的。现在,「Allah」对非回教徒也是「haram」了。集会根据穆圣的话,不是「haram」的。不过,根据文明回教,「Hadhari Islam」却是「haram」的。根据穆圣,群众活动是被提倡的。多人同做一件事,好过单独做同样的事。无论是用餐、旅行、活动等,回教堂就是给你共同商量社群事务的地方。祈祷只是几分钟而已,即使是一天五次祈祷,回教堂还有23个小时给你聚在一起商讨重要事务。
所以,「perhimpunan haram」虽然是政府颁布了的,却不是「haram」的。这些都是很回教的事物。我敢向那些长袍白帽长胡子的长老们挑战,证明我是错的。告诉我阿拉伯人在穆圣的时代没有集会来讨论社区事务;告诉我阿拉伯人在穆圣的时代,没有讨论、辩论、思考、分析、提出、反映、争论、总结等。或是他们并不能在这种集会里得到什么好结论。
原题∶No Hold Barred : All that is haram
「haram」- 违反回教戒条的事物
「perhimpunan」- 集会
「halal」- 回教教条所允许的事物
即使在回教诞生之前,阿拉伯人也称他们的上苍为「Allah」。所以「Allah」不是回教的上苍的字眼。在回教时期之前,阿拉伯人相信有360个不同的神。 「Allah」也不是唯一的,他还有同伴和子女,还和精灵有一种特别的关系,不过,「Allah」是当时阿拉伯人所有众神的老板。
所以,集会是「haram」的。现在,「Allah」对非回教徒也是「haram」了。集会根据穆圣的话,不是「haram」的。不过,根据文明回教,「Hadhari Islam」却是「haram」的。根据穆圣,群众活动是被提倡的。多人同做一件事,好过单独做同样的事。无论是用餐、旅行、活动等,回教堂就是给你共同商量社群事务的地方。祈祷只是几分钟而已,即使是一天五次祈祷,回教堂还有23个小时给你聚在一起商讨重要事务。
所以,「perhimpunan haram」虽然是政府颁布了的,却不是「haram」的。这些都是很回教的事物。我敢向那些长袍白帽长胡子的长老们挑战,证明我是错的。告诉我阿拉伯人在穆圣的时代没有集会来讨论社区事务;告诉我阿拉伯人在穆圣的时代,没有讨论、辩论、思考、分析、提出、反映、争论、总结等。或是他们并不能在这种集会里得到什么好结论。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶The unholy trinity
CC LIEW 注明:此文章有部分缺失,无法和前面文章连接,因此会在空余时间做出适当修补。
内政部副部长佐哈里巴哈伦(Johari Baharum)决定要调查黑帮集团。佐哈里也决定了要逮捕半打以上的黑帮集团头目,其中包括第二把交椅『东姑』吴。佐哈里发出了命令,要把他们送到新邦令甘扣留营,至于『东姑』吴,他将会被限制拘留在吉兰丹。
你也许听过布城的三位一体——圣父、儿子和圣灵。哦不!耶稣不住在布城,所以别在这个星期二的圣诞节冲去哪儿。我们在这里提到的『圣父』是我们的首相阿都拉,他儿子卡玛鲁汀和他女婿凯里; 比起圣灵,他比较像是魔鬼。即使是被冠以加百列天使之名的凯里之子的出世,这个「布城魔三一」,也不会变成「圣三一」的。
在一些时候之前,一些来历不明的消息来源向媒体爆料说,全国警察商业罪案调查组总监没有呈报共值两千七百万令吉的资产。看好来,不是为何拥有两千七百万令吉的资产,而是没有呈报。简单来说,警察官员拥有两千七百万的资产并没有什么不妥,但他没有填一张小表格呈报,就有啦。所以,他们其实是非常在意这个技术上的错误的 。
这些一切当然和没有呈报财产事件没有关系。更加和拥有大笔财产没有关系。这其实是因为我们的总监逮捕了大马黑道顶爷的爱将有关系。大马黑道顶爷「BK TAN」,听说和全国警察总长合作,发展全国的『黄赌毒』独家生意。当然这些听说,不是道听途说,而是基于几位高级警员和两个黑道成员向副内安部长,佐哈里提供的证词。
好了,我们的佐哈里在收到警察的这些报告时,明白了警队里有高层人士和黑道勾结的事情。于是指示商业罪案调查组总监逮捕吴清宝,外号「东姑吴」,位坐黑道第二把交椅的大哥,流放吉兰丹。之后他们开始调查「东姑吴」的顶爷,「BK TAN」,并锁定他为下一个逮捕目标。在同时,一些柔佛的第二线的黑道大哥也在《紧急法令》下,将他们无审扣留于新邦令今扣留中心。
1. 第32项指出「东姑吴」已经承认自己的罪行。
2. 第8项指出在今年三月十二日,佐哈里作出调查指示。
3. 第14项指出,佐哈里承认在今年七月五日发出逮捕指示。
阿都拉在这里又扮演什么角色呢?他是泥菩萨过江。之前阿都拉指示警察总长援引《内安法令》第八条,逮捕斯里兰卡籍的商人,其儿子卡玛鲁汀在斯可米的生意伙伴, 布哈里达西(Buhary Seyed Abu Tahir)或简称『BSA Tahir』。假如警察援引《内安法令》第七十三条,那么政治部就能看着他,然后查出为何斯可米于2004年,被指涉及国际非法核武扩散网络,特别是在利比亚地区。
原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶The unholy trinity
CC LIEW 注明:此文章有部分缺失,无法和前面文章连接,因此会在空余时间做出适当修补。
内政部副部长佐哈里巴哈伦(Johari Baharum)决定要调查黑帮集团。佐哈里也决定了要逮捕半打以上的黑帮集团头目,其中包括第二把交椅『东姑』吴。佐哈里发出了命令,要把他们送到新邦令甘扣留营,至于『东姑』吴,他将会被限制拘留在吉兰丹。
你也许听过布城的三位一体——圣父、儿子和圣灵。哦不!耶稣不住在布城,所以别在这个星期二的圣诞节冲去哪儿。我们在这里提到的『圣父』是我们的首相阿都拉,他儿子卡玛鲁汀和他女婿凯里; 比起圣灵,他比较像是魔鬼。即使是被冠以加百列天使之名的凯里之子的出世,这个「布城魔三一」,也不会变成「圣三一」的。
在一些时候之前,一些来历不明的消息来源向媒体爆料说,全国警察商业罪案调查组总监没有呈报共值两千七百万令吉的资产。看好来,不是为何拥有两千七百万令吉的资产,而是没有呈报。简单来说,警察官员拥有两千七百万的资产并没有什么不妥,但他没有填一张小表格呈报,就有啦。所以,他们其实是非常在意这个技术上的错误的 。
这些一切当然和没有呈报财产事件没有关系。更加和拥有大笔财产没有关系。这其实是因为我们的总监逮捕了大马黑道顶爷的爱将有关系。大马黑道顶爷「BK TAN」,听说和全国警察总长合作,发展全国的『黄赌毒』独家生意。当然这些听说,不是道听途说,而是基于几位高级警员和两个黑道成员向副内安部长,佐哈里提供的证词。
好了,我们的佐哈里在收到警察的这些报告时,明白了警队里有高层人士和黑道勾结的事情。于是指示商业罪案调查组总监逮捕吴清宝,外号「东姑吴」,位坐黑道第二把交椅的大哥,流放吉兰丹。之后他们开始调查「东姑吴」的顶爷,「BK TAN」,并锁定他为下一个逮捕目标。在同时,一些柔佛的第二线的黑道大哥也在《紧急法令》下,将他们无审扣留于新邦令今扣留中心。
1. 第32项指出「东姑吴」已经承认自己的罪行。
2. 第8项指出在今年三月十二日,佐哈里作出调查指示。
3. 第14项指出,佐哈里承认在今年七月五日发出逮捕指示。
阿都拉在这里又扮演什么角色呢?他是泥菩萨过江。之前阿都拉指示警察总长援引《内安法令》第八条,逮捕斯里兰卡籍的商人,其儿子卡玛鲁汀在斯可米的生意伙伴, 布哈里达西(Buhary Seyed Abu Tahir)或简称『BSA Tahir』。假如警察援引《内安法令》第七十三条,那么政治部就能看着他,然后查出为何斯可米于2004年,被指涉及国际非法核武扩散网络,特别是在利比亚地区。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred∶Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
我成为本地回教堂的主席,并主张政府不再插手回教堂的事务。我尽量筹款来发展更多的独立回教堂,以便宗教部门不会插手这些回教堂的事务。也许你们之中还会有人记得Datuk Yusof, 他是丁加奴的特别支部顶头,他曾把我带到丁加奴大臣的跟前,试图说服我。他们本来是要引用《内安法令》扣留我的,可是因为我堂姑是丁加奴的苏丹后,也是当时雪兰莪苏丹的妹妹,所以他们有所顾忌。
原题∶No Hold Barred∶Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
我成为本地回教堂的主席,并主张政府不再插手回教堂的事务。我尽量筹款来发展更多的独立回教堂,以便宗教部门不会插手这些回教堂的事务。也许你们之中还会有人记得Datuk Yusof, 他是丁加奴的特别支部顶头,他曾把我带到丁加奴大臣的跟前,试图说服我。他们本来是要引用《内安法令》扣留我的,可是因为我堂姑是丁加奴的苏丹后,也是当时雪兰莪苏丹的妹妹,所以他们有所顾忌。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶The Corridors Of Power : All that crap
巫统说「兴权会」是国家威胁,反马来人,反回教的。巫统说「兴权会」准备在甘榜峇魯(Kampong Baru)发起一项反马来人游行。一些兴权会的人的确在十一月二十五日游行走过甘榜峇魯,但是警察对他们做出反击,使他们解散。后来,却是当地的马来人开门,让这些印度人进入他们的家,以躲开警察的追击。
为了加强这种印象,他们找来一个叫做莫哈末·赛夫(Mohd Saiful Adil Daud)的「卡佬」说是代表395个非政府组织,组成一个叫做「和平大马」(DAMAI MALAYSIA)的组织,反对街头游行示威。
赛夫其实是一个著名马来黑道「大哥」苏莱曼博士(Drs Suleiman),别名「曼·白兰地」(Man Brandy)的手下。「曼·白兰地」在513事件之前,在甘榜峇魯回教堂一带售卖大麻。后来他为了逃过谋杀的指控,而「著草」到了印尼。他在印尼却得到了「Drs」这个特别的封号。之后,他回到马来西亚,却在赢得了蒂蒂旺沙的国会议席后,成了卫生部长。他在位时,不把大麻合法化,也真是他的失败。
「和平大马」的幕后主脑是半岛马来学生联合会(GPMS)的主席,一个名叫勒扎·么里甘(Rezal Merican Naina Merican)的印度回教徒。他们的主要工作是做一个称职的政治「搞屎棍」,就像拿督哈仑在513事件的所作所为般。可惜的是,他们失败了。今天的马来人不像以前的马来人般,再也不这么容易受谣言影响。甚至是回教传教福利组织所发起的活动,也没有人响应。只有整车整车的镇暴队员和特别支部警察在这个人烟稀少的地区来往巡逻。
原题∶The Corridors Of Power : All that crap
巫统说「兴权会」是国家威胁,反马来人,反回教的。巫统说「兴权会」准备在甘榜峇魯(Kampong Baru)发起一项反马来人游行。一些兴权会的人的确在十一月二十五日游行走过甘榜峇魯,但是警察对他们做出反击,使他们解散。后来,却是当地的马来人开门,让这些印度人进入他们的家,以躲开警察的追击。
为了加强这种印象,他们找来一个叫做莫哈末·赛夫(Mohd Saiful Adil Daud)的「卡佬」说是代表395个非政府组织,组成一个叫做「和平大马」(DAMAI MALAYSIA)的组织,反对街头游行示威。
赛夫其实是一个著名马来黑道「大哥」苏莱曼博士(Drs Suleiman),别名「曼·白兰地」(Man Brandy)的手下。「曼·白兰地」在513事件之前,在甘榜峇魯回教堂一带售卖大麻。后来他为了逃过谋杀的指控,而「著草」到了印尼。他在印尼却得到了「Drs」这个特别的封号。之后,他回到马来西亚,却在赢得了蒂蒂旺沙的国会议席后,成了卫生部长。他在位时,不把大麻合法化,也真是他的失败。
「和平大马」的幕后主脑是半岛马来学生联合会(GPMS)的主席,一个名叫勒扎·么里甘(Rezal Merican Naina Merican)的印度回教徒。他们的主要工作是做一个称职的政治「搞屎棍」,就像拿督哈仑在513事件的所作所为般。可惜的是,他们失败了。今天的马来人不像以前的马来人般,再也不这么容易受谣言影响。甚至是回教传教福利组织所发起的活动,也没有人响应。只有整车整车的镇暴队员和特别支部警察在这个人烟稀少的地区来往巡逻。
作者∶Patrick Teoh
这就是一个典型的马来西亚人。一位马来西亚华人 (也可以是马来人,印度人,或其他人),称得上是成功人士,有点闲钱,涉及慈善工作,回馈社会。好人一个。不过,对我来说,他的思想有瑕疵。为何呢?
也许,他们很急切了。他们只能眼巴巴看着事情的发生,却不知如何下手。他们开始慌张,终于知道人民是关心的,是能够做出改变,也准备为他们的权力喊话。这是一些我们已经很久没做的事了。因此,国阵那班懈怠成习,麻痹大意的家伙 ,如今面对突如其来的警报,如何不能脚步大乱。
消极? 我是的。
作者∶Patrick Teoh
这就是一个典型的马来西亚人。一位马来西亚华人 (也可以是马来人,印度人,或其他人),称得上是成功人士,有点闲钱,涉及慈善工作,回馈社会。好人一个。不过,对我来说,他的思想有瑕疵。为何呢?
也许,他们很急切了。他们只能眼巴巴看着事情的发生,却不知如何下手。他们开始慌张,终于知道人民是关心的,是能够做出改变,也准备为他们的权力喊话。这是一些我们已经很久没做的事了。因此,国阵那班懈怠成习,麻痹大意的家伙 ,如今面对突如其来的警报,如何不能脚步大乱。
消极? 我是的。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred : Heal thyself
什么“反阵应该怎样怎样” “今日大马应该怎样怎样” “元首应该怎样怎样” “安华应该怎样怎样” “人民公正党应该怎样怎样” “行动党应该怎样怎样” “回教党应该怎样怎样” “政府应该怎样怎样” “阿都拉应该怎样怎样”等等。他们总认为除了他们之外的其他每一个人都应该做一些什么。他们总是埋怨这个,谩骂那个,虽然他们支持国阵,大选蹲在家,或是没登记投选。而且他们也会很失望,假如他们的看法和意见不被同意。
原题∶No Hold Barred : Heal thyself
什么“反阵应该怎样怎样” “今日大马应该怎样怎样” “元首应该怎样怎样” “安华应该怎样怎样” “人民公正党应该怎样怎样” “行动党应该怎样怎样” “回教党应该怎样怎样” “政府应该怎样怎样” “阿都拉应该怎样怎样”等等。他们总认为除了他们之外的其他每一个人都应该做一些什么。他们总是埋怨这个,谩骂那个,虽然他们支持国阵,大选蹲在家,或是没登记投选。而且他们也会很失望,假如他们的看法和意见不被同意。
出处∶Malaysia Today
原题∶No Hold Barred : A distortion of history
根据《星报》报道,雪兰莪州务大臣对「兴权会」做出要求说,不要激怒马来人。因为有关的集会地区曾经是马来人争取独立的地方,也是513事件时,马来人受庇护的场所。看来,的确有广泛流传的短讯指出「兴权会」准备在12月16日,在甘榜峇魯(Kampong Baru)举行集会。
从慕斯达法·胡先(Mustapha Hussein)著作《巫统之前的马来民族主义》(Malay Nationalism Before Umno)中,作者提到,其实在日本占领期间,已有印度人和马来人向日本人要求独立。日本人也答应在1945年八月17日,通过槟城广播电台宣布马来半岛的独立。只是,由于原子弹的投下,以至日本在八月15日投降,所以这个八月17日的独立,也就这样地早两天「流产」了。那个时候,巫统还不知道在哪里呢。反而当时的印尼,却是在和荷兰人打仗,不许荷兰重回印尼。
原题∶No Hold Barred : A distortion of history
根据《星报》报道,雪兰莪州务大臣对「兴权会」做出要求说,不要激怒马来人。因为有关的集会地区曾经是马来人争取独立的地方,也是513事件时,马来人受庇护的场所。看来,的确有广泛流传的短讯指出「兴权会」准备在12月16日,在甘榜峇魯(Kampong Baru)举行集会。
从慕斯达法·胡先(Mustapha Hussein)著作《巫统之前的马来民族主义》(Malay Nationalism Before Umno)中,作者提到,其实在日本占领期间,已有印度人和马来人向日本人要求独立。日本人也答应在1945年八月17日,通过槟城广播电台宣布马来半岛的独立。只是,由于原子弹的投下,以至日本在八月15日投降,所以这个八月17日的独立,也就这样地早两天「流产」了。那个时候,巫统还不知道在哪里呢。反而当时的印尼,却是在和荷兰人打仗,不许荷兰重回印尼。
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