原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶Najib: Muslim by birth, Hindu by practice
作者 ∶拉惹柏特拉
翻译 ∶James

【马新社2008年8月23日讯】星期五晚上副首相拿督斯里纳吉(Najib Tun Razak)在位于峇东埔附近的占美州立回教堂(Masjid Jamek Guar Perahu)宣誓说他不认识或跟阿旦杜雅有任何的关系。纳吉说他已经作出了宣誓了,虽然这不并是在《可兰经》面前的正宗的宣誓。
上苍为我做证(Wallahi, Wabillahi,Watallahi)
在同一天,答加拉朱.丹加威鲁(Thagarajoo a/l Thangavellu)也通过《法定声明》作出了宣誓,他说纳吉和他的妻子虽然身为回教徒,可是却實踐兴都教仪式,所以纳吉所谓的正宗回教式的宣誓是否有效?
I, 答加拉朱.丹加威鲁㈠(身份证编号 590821-10-6033)是一名已过法定年龄的马来西亚公民,居住在雪兰莪,蒲种①,金銮镇②,BK 4/1F路,门牌20号,至诚宣誓以下供词∶-
②金銮镇(Bandar Kinrara)
③肯尼尔.斯瓦兰(Kenneth Eswaran)
④兴都教巫师(Hindu bomoh)
⑿大使路(Jalan Duta )
⒃萨巴金德(Razak Baginda)
⒄斯里珍妮(Jeanne Abdullah)
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I, THAGARAJOO A/L THANGAVELU (NRIC NO: 590821-10-6033) a Malaysian citizen of legal age and residing at No. 20, Jalan BK 4/IF. Bandar Kinrara, 47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan do solemnly and sincerely affirm and say as follows:-
1. I am a driver by profession.
2. Sometime in 1995, I commenced employment with Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan (“Datuk Nalla”) as his driver cum bodyguard. I worked for him for about 5 years. Later, I joined the employment of businessman. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran was based in Johor and I drove for his mother who was staying in Petaling Jaya. Later, i drove for Datuk Kenneth Eswaran.
3. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran is a close personal friend of Datuk Seri Najib Bin Tun Razak the present Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.
4. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran is associated very closely with a Hindu bomoh, known to me as Mr. Ji. Mr. Ji is an Indian national, based in Kerala, India and is often in Malaysia on Datuk Kenneth Eswaran's invitation.
5. Through Datuk Kenneth Eswaran, Mr. Ji was introduced to Datuk Seri Najib and his wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Bt Mansor. I have on numerous occasions driven Mr. Ji to Datuk Seri Najib's house. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran would accompany Mr. Ji. Mr. Ji would bring with him some Hindu prayer items to perform a ritual at Datuk Seri Najib's house. The ritual would be performed every month during "Ammavasi" which is the time of the month when the moon is not sighted. The ritual is typically a Hindu prayer which involves chanting mantras and using Hindu prayer items such as tumeric, vibhuti, kum kum. lime, camphor, cow's milk, on several banana leaves. A prayer fire would be started in the house and both Datuk Seri Najib and Datin Seri Rosmah would be seated in the centre: Mr. Ji would perform the prayers. Both Datuk Seri Najib and Datin Seri Rosmah would be bathed in milk. After prayers, some of the prayer items are taken outside of the house and buried in the ground to ward off evil.
6. As I said, these prayers items would be brought by Mr. Ji assisted by me to Datuk Seri Najib's house, both in Jalan Duta and his official residence in Putrajaya. I have also, myself, brought cow's milk and other Hindu Prayer items within the compound of Datuk Seri Najib's house. Every occasion whenever Mr. Ji was there to do prayers I would be present. This carried on until I left Datuk Kenneth Eswaran's employment.
7. I strongly believe that these rituals are on going.
8. During the Ijok by election last year, I drove Mr Ji to the outside of polling station in Ijok where Mr. Ji placed these prayer items to ensure a win for MIC's K. Partiban.
9. I strongly believe similar attempts will be made to place these Hindu prayer items and talisman within or outside the compound of the polling stations in Pcrmatang Pauh.
10. I also have personal knowledge that thc doctor who prepared the medical report for Razak Baginda, the accused in the ongoing murder trial of the Mongolian lady, Altantuya, was false as Datuk Kenneth Eswaran instructed the doctor to do so. The call was made while I was driving for Datuk Kenneth Eswaran.
11. On numerous occasions, Datin Seri Rosmah would ask Datuk Kenneth Eswaran for help from Mr. Ji to do prayers to ward off evil. On one occasion, Datin Seri Rosmah called Datuk Kenneth Eswaran expressing her concern that Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, would be marrying Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah. Datuk Kenneth Eswaran assured Datin Seri Rosmah that he would get Mr. Ji to perform prayers to prevent the marriage taking place.
12. I am making this Statutory Declaration as there are several developments taking place involving Datuk Nalla, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Najib, Datin Seri Rosmah and Datuk Kenneth Eswaran who I have known during my employment as a driver. Recent events involving the disappearance of PI Balasubramaniam has caused concern to me and my family.
And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue ofthe provisions of thc StatutoO' Declaration Act, 1960.
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