原题∶The Corridors Of Power∶Dari PP ke Parlimen ke PJ
作者 ∶拉惹柏特拉
翻译 ∶西西留

我最后一次参与舞台剧的编剧是在1996年的马来学院同学会(Malay College Old Boys Association,MCOBA)晚宴中。那一年我们制作了一出舞台剧,讽刺政治现象的舞台剧。音乐剧的序幕是由丁伯所扮演的敦马哈迪莫哈默医生,他在演唱曲子《这是我的政党,我想哭时我会哭》时「哭」了。当然那是讽刺那一年马哈迪在巫统大会中的哭泣。
这个音乐剧主要诉说马哈迪为巫统的腐败和金钱政治的哭泣和悲伤(背景音乐《钱,钱,钱,老子有钱》),巫统领袖的愚蠢(背景音乐《我一无所知,但是我知道我爱你》),安华踢掉嘉化峇峇(Ghafar Baba),成为第二号人物,东姑拉沙里与聂阿兹决裂,重回巫统(背景音乐《团圆乐》),拉菲达与蒂查哈拉(Siti Zaharah)交锋,落幕是安华被踢出巫统。
嘉化峇峇(Ghafar Baba)前副首相,于1993年被安华挑战其署理主席职位,最终被踢出局。他在2006年病逝。
拉菲达曾在1996年巫统党选中,遭时任署理主席安华依布拉欣阵营人马西蒂查哈拉(Siti Zaharah)拉下马,后来安华遭罢黜后,重掌妇女组直至现在。
如果有人要我为今年的马来学院同学会的晚宴编写剧本的话,这次将会再次的是音乐剧,而这出舞台剧当然将会是讽刺政治现象的舞台剧。拉特沙里曼(Lat Shariman)将会如往常一样扮演安华伊布拉欣的角色,因为没有人能像拉特演绎安华那般为妙为俏。勒曼拉昔(Rehman Rashid)将很可能主导这件事,因为唯有他够专制,能够压制这批放荡不羁,从不准时排演的马来学院同学会里的人。还有谁?监制当然是非拿督沙拉胡丁(Salahuddin Hashim)莫属了。
拉特沙里曼(Lat Shariman)吉打商人,在这次的巫统瓜拉吉打(Kuala Kedah)区部党选中与吉打州务大臣对垒。
勒曼拉昔(Rehman Rashid)印度回教徒,擅长写歌及创作,比拉惹柏特拉小五岁。早年就读霹雳州马来学院,毕业于英国华尔斯天鹅海大学(University College Swansea)海洋生物系。后来回马任职于槟城渔业研究所。曾经分别在《新海峡时报》、香港《亚洲周刊》、《马新社》担任专栏作家。两任妻子皆是华人,首任妻子是职业律师,第二任妻子是名牙医,皆离婚收场。目前定居霹雳州江沙。
沙拉胡丁(Salahuddin Hashim)公正党总秘书
漫长风云路 The long and winding road
延伸到PJ That leads to PJ
将从不消失 Will never disappear
我曾见此路 I've seen that road before
它永在这里指引我 It always leads me here
领我到PJ Lead me to PJ
狂风肆虐夜 The wild and windy night
在大雨冲刷下 That the rain washed away
留下一滩泪水,每日而流 Has left a pool of tears crying for the day
为何让我站在这里 Why leave me standing here
让我知道方向 Let me know the way
多少寂寞时 Many times I've been alone
多少次哭泣 And many times I've cried
可是你永远知道 Anyway you've always know
我已经尝试了很多方法 The many ways I've tried
可是最终他们还是领我回来 But still they lead me back
在那漫长的风云路 To the long and winding road
你让我在这里空等待 You left me waiting here
很久,很久以前 A long, long time ago
不要让我站在这里 Don't leave me standing here
领我到PJ Lead me to PJ
哒,哒,哒,哒 Da, da, da, da
昨日 Yesterday
我所有的麻烦看来遥远 All my troubles seemed so far away
今天看来他们会永远跟随 Now it looks as though they’re here to stay
噢!我相信昨日 Oh I believe in yesterday
忽然 Suddenly
我不是往常的半个我 I’m not half the man I used to be
这是安华在纠缠我 There is Anwar hanging over me
噢!昨日忽然来了 Oh yesterday came suddenly
我不知道为何我要走 Why I have to go I don’t know
他不会说 He wouldn’t say
我说错了话 I said something wrong
现在我已是昨日黄花 Now I long for yesterday
昨日 Yesterday
游戏多么简单 It was such an easy game to play
现在我需要找个地方躲好 Now I need a place to hide away
噢!我相信昨日 Oh I believe in yesterday
我不知道为何我要走 Why I have to go I don’t know
他不会说 He wouldn’t say
我说错了话 I said something wrong
现在我已是昨日黄花 Now I long for yesterday
昨日 Yesterday
游戏多么简单 It was such an easy game to play
现在我需要找个地方躲好 Now I need a place to hide away
噢!我相信昨日 Oh I believe in yesterday
嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯…… Mm mm mm mm mm mm mm............
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
我并非是往常的我 And I'm not what I appear to be
对于我已获胜或失败的斗争 Of all the fights I have won or have lost
有一人我永远也不该碰 There is one man I should never have crossed
安华是万中无一的,我的朋友 Anwar’s a man in a million, my friend
我应该知道最终他会获胜 I should have known he would win in the end
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
近在眼前,我却失去 And I lost something that's near to me
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
我并非是往常的我 And I'm not what I appear to be
虽然我大笑及像个小丑 Although I laugh and I act like a clown
这面具底下我穿戴忧愁 Beneath this mask I am wearing a frown
我泪如雨下 My tears are falling like rain from the sky
是否为他或我自己而哭泣 Is it for him or myself that I cry
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
近在眼前,我却失去 And I lost something that's near to me
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
我并非是往常的我 And I'm not what I appear to be
我做了什么,要面对如此下场? What have I done to deserve such a fate?
我觉悟到为时已晚 I realise I have left it too late
骄兵必败,此话不虚 And so it's true, pride comes before a fall
我奉劝你,好让你不会失去所有 I'm telling you so that you won't lose all
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
近在眼前,我却失去 And I lost something that's near to me
我是个失败者 I'm a loser
我并非是往常的我 And I'm not what I appear to be
曾几何时,我认为安华是个失败的人 Anwar was a man I thought would be a loser
从未知道他无法长久 Never knew it couldn't last
安华离开他在槟城PP的家 Anwar left his home in PP, Pulau Pinang
现在他前往PJ Now he’s headed for PJ
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!安华 Get back Anwar
回家吧! Go home
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!安华 Get back Anwar
拿汀罗斯曼以为自己是个女人 Datin Rosmah Mansor thought she was a woman
可是她却是另外一个男人 But she was another man
所有围绕在她身边的男孩说将获得她要的东西 All the boys around her say she's got it coming
可是当她能够的时候她才能拿到 But she gets it while she can
回家吧! Go home
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!安华 Get back Anwar
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!回去吧! Get back, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
啊,回去吧! Ah, get back
吔,回去吧! Yeah, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
吔,回去吧! Yeah, get back
回去你当初出来的地方 Get back to where you once belonged
回去吧!噢~ Get back, Ooo
他是个真正失去方向的人 He's a real nowhere man
坐在他失去方向的国度中 Sitting in his nowhere land
做着没有方向的计划,不知给谁 Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
没有目标 Doesn't have a point of view
不知何去何从 Knows not where he's going to
不就是有点像你我吗? Isn't he a bit like you and me?
失去方向的人,请听好 Nowhere man, please listen
你的说话不知所谓 You don't know what you're talking
失去方向的人,世界非你主宰 Nowhere man, the world’s not at your command
他尽其所能的盲目 He's a blind as he can be
只看到他想看到的 Just sees what he wants to see
失去方向的人,你看到我了吗? Nowhere man can you see me at all?
失去方向的人勿担心 Nowhere man, don't worry
慢慢来,别着急 Take your time, don't hurry
放下全部,直到有人伸出援手 Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand
没有目标 Doesn't have a point of view
不知何去何从 Knows not where he's going to
不就是有点像你我吗? Isn't he a bit like you and me?
失去方向的人,请听好 Nowhere man, please listen
你的说话不知所谓 You don't know what you're talking
失去方向的人,世界非你主宰 Nowhere man, the world’s not at your command
他是个真正失去方向的人 He's a real nowhere man
坐在他失去方向的土地上 Sitting in his nowhere land
做着没有方向的计划,不知给谁 Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
做着没有方向的计划,不知给谁 Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
做着没有方向的计划,不知给谁 Making all his nowhere plans for nobody