2008-08-14 峇东埔补选∶「鸡奸犯」对垒「骗子」兄弟
2008-08-12 巨人殺手—依占
2008-08-11 安华鸡奸指控的真正幕后主脑
2008-08-07 全国总警长以及总检察长还未知道的……
2008-08-04 大马一些严重又困惑的问题
2008-08-02 两大名案挑战朴素的大马
2008-08-01 院方失职,否认被指阴谋
2008-07-30 三天前洛万与赛夫会面
2008-07-28 安华不曾称拉欣诺做「狗」
2008-07-27 安华被殴不是偶然的,而是早有预谋
2008-07-26 安华被捕早有预谋
2008-07-25 安华被殴不是因为被激怒,而是事先就策划好的
2008-07-24 安华被捕并带到武吉安曼
2008-07-23 安华被逮捕前早有预谋
2008-07-22 安华要求医疗被拒
2008-07-21 阿都拉曼医生∶「我对各位医生的见解没有意见」
2008-07-20 莫哈默医生∶「这可能会导致骨头和脑内伤」
2008-07-19 哈林医生∶「安华有颈椎病,如果遭受重击可能致命」
2008-07-18 瓦山达医生说:「我被告知不要说任何话」
2008-07-17 安华哀求医疗,可是被置之不理
2008-07-16 安华被无故痛殴并在未获得医药治疗下任其自生自灭
2008-07-15 安华是如何在自首后依然被他们逮捕
2008-07-13 盲目崇拜已经向公正党催命
2008-07-10 光明日报采访拉惹柏特拉
2008-07-05 胜利者是……
2008-07-01 重温「石油换粮食」丑闻
2008-06-27 以色列幕后操纵大马皇家警察的资讯管理和保安系统
2008-06-24 人民联盟正失去控制
2008-06-20 纳吉在加定沙里航空服务诈欺案中扮演什么角色?
2008-06-19 酝酿中的马来联邦独立公国
2008-06-17 巫统史上最贵的党选
2008-06-12 现实与妄想之间
2008-06-11 马来西亚的考验期
2008-06-10 安华∶如果我无法降低油价,我将辞职
2008-06-06 马式退党∶马哈迪与阿都拉
2008-06-04 马来人大团结的烟幕
2008-06-02 将死巫统、AG和警方
2008-05-30 A队,B队∶巫统的十年之痒
2008-05-27 请准备好迎接闪电国会大选
2008-05-23 什么是煽动法?(第二部分)
2008-05-21 马哈迪的开局背后隐藏了什么?
2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 大马组织性犯罪集团∶条条大路通布城
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 树倒猢狲散
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 一帮废物
2007-12-21 魔三一
2007-12-27 巫统霸主和小拿破仑的灭绝
2008-01-01 2008年,同样是废,不同天而已
2008-01-05 霸主和重量级人马∶哥俩好
2008-01-10 十年河东,十年河西
2008-01-17 反对党里的「陈永仁」
2008-01-23 国家稻米公司,马来西亚的白米走私大王
2008-01-29 满城尽是蠢警察
2008-02-04 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后
2008-02-04 人民宣言
2008-02-05 马币7亿元的人--「苏丹」朱哈斯南
2008-02-09 敛钱老千绕圈捞钱
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 一个好,两个妙,三个呱呱叫
2008-02-22 翻旧帐,揭疮疤
2008-02-24 人民阵线海报
2008-02-25 瞒天过海,暗渡陈仓
2008-02-28 警方对二财政部长诺莫哈末耶谷的调查报告
2008-03-02 改变之风
2008-03-07 为何明天要投票
2008-03-09 大马国民,无论你身处何方,谢谢你
2008-03-12 在观念和事实之间
2008-03-13 反对党的黄卡
2008-03-15 鼠肚鸡肠
2008-03-18 513?什么513?
2008-03-20 倒数开始
2008-03-24 季候风在转向
2008-03-25 了解登嘉楼的州务大臣问题
2008-03-27 安华或姑里?比赛开始!
2008-04-01 回到未来 - 重访西贡沦陷
2008-04-05 烟幕和假象 - 事件的误导
2008-04-07 难兄难弟
2008-04-08 一骗再骗
2008-04-09 魔术!好一场魔术!
2008-04-12 抱头乱窜的走狗
2008-04-16 让我们摇头吧!
2008-04-17 巫统会外爆或是内爆呢?
2008-04-19 巫统的失败,人民的胜利
2008-04-19 阿都拉是否能在百日内被拉下台?
2008-04-21 哈罗!希山慕丁·尤努斯如何?
2008-04-23 说大话说过头
2008-04-24 沙巴议员到底过不过主?
2008-04-27 巫统真的已经山穷水尽
2008-04-30 我给沙里弗丁的回复
2008-05-04 剥茧抽丝
2008-05-11 什么是煽动法?(第一部分)
2008-05-12 如何反击和对付这些破坏活动
2008-05-17 落幕前的最后演出
2008-08-14 宝贝,你说的哦!
2008-08-13 13日星期五,死缠着你的一天
2008-08-07 男人的推动力∶金钱,权力与女人
2008-08-06 首屈一指的「鸡奸学家」∶沙菲宜阿都拉
2008-08-04 垂死挣扎∶临终之兆
2008-08-02 一石二鸟
2008-08-01 巫统八打灵区部主席控诉首相和副首相贪污
2008-07-30 我的神和你的神不同
2008-07-28 逃命医生∶警察要他捏造证据对付安华
2008-07-26 马来人大团结的鸡奸阴谋
2008-07-25 有关看法和事实
2008-07-24 马来西亚鸡奸年
2008-07-23 与「同谋」共度黄昏
2008-07-21 他们如何再次对安华捏造证据
2008-07-18 自掘坟墓
2008-07-14 意欲而成真
2008-07-11 好回教徒,坏回教徒
2008-07-09 回教法对普通法
2008-07-07 这全都在游戏里
2008-07-01 总警检双熊的伪造证据
2008-06-30 这令我想起…
2008-06-25 一个手掌拍不响
2008-06-18 ………之机率为何?
2008-06-16 是教育,不是立法
2008-06-14 杀掉老鼠,消除瘟疫
2008-06-13 无法解答的慕沙莎菲问题
2008-06-11 我的煽动指控的根据
2008-06-10 分而被谴
2008-06-06 回到基本∶1968年~2008年
2008-06-05 是的,生气吧,不过要生对气
2008-06-03 马来西亚的两种正义标准
2008-05-31 来自胡说回教徒的胡扯回教
2008-05-29 把马来人从回教中抽离
2008-05-28 巫统可以发动闪电大选吗?
2008-05-25 煽动法令的3500年
2008-05-23 唉!看来他们还是不明白
2008-05-21 一些雪州历史
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 致富光荣
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 《今日大马》将第一时间注册
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 打架伤感情
2007-04-14 亲爱的,结婚周年快乐!
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 我气疯了,他妈的疯了
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 好吧,放马过来!
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 被扭曲的历史
2007-12-13 自作自受
2007-12-19 毒树始终出毒果
2007-12-23 那些全都是犯戒的
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 当好的是坏的,而坏的是好的
2008-01-05 本质对修辞
2008-01-10 相对论
2008-01-16 马来人,回教之敌
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 丢掷骰子
2008-02-01 做么我酱鸟火滚
2008-02-06 人民是老板
2008-02-08 未来不在过往之中
2008-02-13 名不副实
2008-02-17 艰难之路,唯勇者成行
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 虎父无犬子
2008-03-01 人民之声乃金科玉律
2008-03-06 巫统马来人愚蠢,行动党华人笨蛋
2008-03-10 浴血战后的血路
2008-03-13 行动党最糟糕的敌人
2008-03-14 我反对回教州
2008-03-16 宋谷里的风波
2008-03-17 妥协,亦尚往来
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 丑陋的大马人
2008-03-26 你忘了是谁选你出来的了吗?
2008-03-26 不是你,而是他人决定你是什么
2008-03-28 真正的课题
2008-03-31 这是基本,我亲爱的华生
2008-04-02 君宪制与国会中的三份二多数议席的意义
2008-04-03 因小失大,因噎废食
2008-04-06 成年
2008-04-09 不管三七二十一
2008-04-10 娼妓满天下
2008-04-11 我的脑看到那些你要我看的
2008-04-13 很多苹果在大桶里
2008-04-14 来庆祝我们的结婚周年纪念
2008-04-16 我所认为的真相
2008-04-17 这只小猪上市场
2008-04-18 重温父子辩论
2008-04-20 让我们把一件事搞清楚些
2008-04-21 让我们少说一点种族废话吧
2008-04-22 华人和印度人是墙头草?
2008-04-24 行动党显露本色?
2008-04-25 送阿坦杜亚的谋害者到地狱里去
2008-04-29 真正的圣战
2008-05-01 V大卫,让劳动节成真的人
2008-05-03 马来人巨擎和平安岭上的静寂
2008-05-05 什么是回教?
2008-05-09 非常感谢,以及对不起,令大家失望了
2008-05-11 煽动罪与第一个「内安法令皇家扣留犯」
2008-05-13 《今日大马》可以相信吗?
2008-05-15 对回教大不敬?去他妈的!
2008-08-14 宝贝,你说的哦!
2008-08-13 13日星期五,死缠着你的一天
2008-08-07 男人的推动力∶金钱,权力与女人
2008-08-06 首屈一指的「鸡奸学家」∶沙菲宜阿都拉
2008-08-04 垂死挣扎∶临终之兆
2008-08-02 一石二鸟
2008-08-01 巫统八打灵区部主席控诉首相和副首相贪污
2008-07-30 我的神和你的神不同
2008-07-28 逃命医生∶警察要他捏造证据对付安华
2008-07-26 马来人大团结的鸡奸阴谋
2008-07-25 有关看法和事实
2008-07-24 马来西亚鸡奸年
2008-07-23 与「同谋」共度黄昏
2008-07-21 他们如何再次对安华捏造证据
2008-07-18 自掘坟墓
2008-07-14 意欲而成真
2008-07-11 好回教徒,坏回教徒
2008-07-09 回教法对普通法
2008-07-07 这全都在游戏里
2008-07-01 总警检双熊的伪造证据
2008-06-30 这令我想起…
2008-06-25 一个手掌拍不响
2008-06-18 ………之机率为何?
2008-06-16 是教育,不是立法
2008-06-14 杀掉老鼠,消除瘟疫
2008-06-13 无法解答的慕沙莎菲问题
2008-06-11 我的煽动指控的根据
2008-06-10 分而被谴
2008-06-06 回到基本∶1968年~2008年
2008-06-05 是的,生气吧,不过要生对气
2008-06-03 马来西亚的两种正义标准
2008-05-31 来自胡说回教徒的胡扯回教
2008-05-29 把马来人从回教中抽离
2008-05-28 巫统可以发动闪电大选吗?
2008-05-25 煽动法令的3500年
2008-05-23 唉!看来他们还是不明白
2008-05-21 一些雪州历史
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 致富光荣
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 《今日大马》将第一时间注册
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 打架伤感情
2007-04-14 亲爱的,结婚周年快乐!
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 我气疯了,他妈的疯了
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 好吧,放马过来!
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 被扭曲的历史
2007-12-13 自作自受
2007-12-19 毒树始终出毒果
2007-12-23 那些全都是犯戒的
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 当好的是坏的,而坏的是好的
2008-01-05 本质对修辞
2008-01-10 相对论
2008-01-16 马来人,回教之敌
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 丢掷骰子
2008-02-01 做么我酱鸟火滚
2008-02-06 人民是老板
2008-02-08 未来不在过往之中
2008-02-13 名不副实
2008-02-17 艰难之路,唯勇者成行
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 虎父无犬子
2008-03-01 人民之声乃金科玉律
2008-03-06 巫统马来人愚蠢,行动党华人笨蛋
2008-03-10 浴血战后的血路
2008-03-13 行动党最糟糕的敌人
2008-03-14 我反对回教州
2008-03-16 宋谷里的风波
2008-03-17 妥协,亦尚往来
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 丑陋的大马人
2008-03-26 你忘了是谁选你出来的了吗?
2008-03-26 不是你,而是他人决定你是什么
2008-03-28 真正的课题
2008-03-31 这是基本,我亲爱的华生
2008-04-02 君宪制与国会中的三份二多数议席的意义
2008-04-03 因小失大,因噎废食
2008-04-06 成年
2008-04-09 不管三七二十一
2008-04-10 娼妓满天下
2008-04-11 我的脑看到那些你要我看的
2008-04-13 很多苹果在大桶里
2008-04-14 来庆祝我们的结婚周年纪念
2008-04-16 我所认为的真相
2008-04-17 这只小猪上市场
2008-04-18 重温父子辩论
2008-04-20 让我们把一件事搞清楚些
2008-04-21 让我们少说一点种族废话吧
2008-04-22 华人和印度人是墙头草?
2008-04-24 行动党显露本色?
2008-04-25 送阿坦杜亚的谋害者到地狱里去
2008-04-29 真正的圣战
2008-05-01 V大卫,让劳动节成真的人
2008-05-03 马来人巨擎和平安岭上的静寂
2008-05-05 什么是回教?
2008-05-09 非常感谢,以及对不起,令大家失望了
2008-05-11 煽动罪与第一个「内安法令皇家扣留犯」
2008-05-13 《今日大马》可以相信吗?
2008-05-15 对回教大不敬?去他妈的!
《二十条契约》(The Twenty Points)
(a)在联邦宪法下,马来语(Bahasa Melayu)是为联邦的官方语言,
应称为马来西亚(Malaysia)而不是马拉尤联邦(Melayu Raya)。
(b)沙巴和砂劳越应采用类似联邦政府的部长制(Ministerial System),而不是州政治委员制(EXCO)
应命为Yang Di-Pertua Negeri。
应命为Sabah / Sarawak
Penubuhan Malaysia yang dikemukakan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 27 Mei 1961 dalam satu majlis jamuan yang diadakan oleh Persatuan Wartawan-wartawan Luar Negeri Asia Tenggara di Singapura telah dapat dilaksanakan pada 16 September 1963. Persekutuan ini terdiri daripada 11 buah negeri di Tanah Melayu, dua buah negeri Boneo iaitu Sabah dan Sarawak.
Penubuhan Malaysia adalah melalui Perjanjian Malaysia yang diadakan antara negeri-negeri tersebut dan menggabungkan pelbagai dokumen termasuk Rang Undang-Undang Malaysia iaitu Akta Malaysia 1963. Gabungan dokumen ini termasuklah syarat-syarat penyertaan dan peraturan perlembagaan terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak iaitu syarat 20 Perkara yang dirujuk untuk membentuk Malaysia. Perjanjian Malaysia juga tertakluk kepada kemahuan negeri-negeri ini bagi membentuk Malaysia yang dianggap sebagai satu gabungan rakan-rakan kongsi yang bersatu padu untuk membentuk sebuah negara baru dengan ciri-ciri masing-masing. Namun begitu, sebelum pembentukan Malaysia, satu siri perbincangan dan penyiasatan telah diadakan di antara bulan Mei 1961 dengan tarikh penubuhan Malaysia berhubung denagn syarat-yarat yang sesuia untuk persekutuan bagi enjamin kepentinagan negeri-neger Melayu termasuk Sbah, Sarawak yang pertma kali bergabuing dengan Malatsia.
Peringkat awal perkara telah dibincangkan oleh para pemimin dari lima buah negeri iaitu Tanah Melayu, Singapura, Borneo Utara, Sarawak dan Brunei dalam Mesyuarat Persatua Parlimen Komanwel Serantau yang diadakan di Singapura pada bulam Julai 1961. Ekoran daripad mesyuarat ini, pada bulan Febuari 1962, sebuah Jawatankuasa Perunding Perpaduan Malaysia (MSCC) telah mengeluarkan sebuah memorandum yang menyokong Malaysia dan memperlihatkan beberpa syarat am untuk Persekutuan. sebuah suruhanjaya penyiasatan juga telah dibentuk pada Januari 1962 iaitu Suruhanjaya Cobbold berikutan lawatan Tunku Abd. Rahman ke London pada bulan Oktober 1961. Suruhanjaya ini dipengerusikan oleh Lord Cobbld iaitu bekas Gebenor Bank England. Sementara ahli-ahlinya terdiri daripada Dato Wong Pow Nee dan Mohd Ghazali Shafie yang dilantik oleh kerajaan Tanah Melayu dan Antony Abell serta Watherston bai mewakili kerajaan British. Tujuan penubuhan suruhanjaya iniadalah untuk meninjau pendapar penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak tentag gagasan Malaysia. Hasil daripada tugas yang dijalankan ini didapati lebih kurang 80% penduduk Sabah dan Sarawk menyokong penubuhan Malaysia iaitu kebanyakan terdiri daripada Bumiputera dan 20% menenteng. Laporan ini diperolehi setelah suruhanjaya ini menerima tidak kurang dari 2200 pucuk surat dan memorandum daripada parti-pati politik, ahli-ahli mesyuarat kerajaan dan undangan, pembesar-pembesar, anak-anak negeri dan pemimpin kaum, lembaa bandaran, majlis bandaran, pemimpin-pemimpin agama, kesauan sekerja dan sebilangan besar orang ramai.Suruhanjaya Cobbold telah mengsyorkan supaya Perlembagaan Tanh Melayu yang ada dijadikan asa bagi membentuk perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang baru. Namun, beberapa pindaan perlu digubal untuk disesuaikan denga kemasukan negeri-negeri baru ke dalam Persekutuan. sehuibungan itu, jaminan-jaminan mustahak perlu dibuat bagi memastikan kepentingan khas negeri-ngeri Borneo terjamin. Oleh itu, negeri
Sabah dan Sarawak diminta menyediakan laporan mereka untuk meyertai Malysia. Laporan ini dikaji oleh satu jawatankuasa yang diwakili oleh kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Britain, Sabah dan Sarawak. Maka terbentuknya satu jawatankuasa yang dikenali
sebagaijawtankuasa Antara-Kerajaan atau Inter-Governmental Ccommittee pada bulan Ogos
yang diberi tugas untuk:
Menyusun perlembagaan Persekutuan yang baru dan perlindungan khas untuk
Borneo Utara dan Sarawak. Jawatankuasa ini dipegerusikan oleh Lord Landsdowne dan
timbalanya ialah Tun Abdul Razak. Anggota lain terdiri daripada Donald Stephen, Abang
Haji Mustaffa, Temenggung Jugah, seorang wakil Britain dan seorang wakil Persekutuan
Tanah Melayu. Sebanyak lima buah jawatankuasa kecil berkenaan hal-hal perlembagaan, kewangan, undang-undang, perkhidmatan awam, dan membentuk kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia diwujudkan untuk mempertimbangkan hal ini. Sementara Sabah dan Sarawak mula menkaji untuk membuat beberapa tuntutan yang munasabah untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka sebagai Bumiputera sebelum memasuki Malaysia. Tuntutan ini dikenali sebagi 20 Perkara Sabah dan ia merupakan syarat-ayarat Borneo Utara memesuki Malaysia. Kebanyakan syarat-syarat ini diterima oleh IGC dan telah dimasukkan di dalam Perjanjian Malaysia.
Tuntutan 20 Perkara Sabah merupakan memorandum MSCC yang diusulkan oleh USNO, UNKO United Parti, Demokratik Parti dan United Pasok Momogun Organisation dan isinya adalah soal perlindunagan dan syarat-syarat Borneo Utara dan Sarawak menyertai Malaysia terutama dalam hal-hal kebebasan agama, bahasa-bahasa lain (selain Melayu), migrasi dan kepentingan-kepentingan Bumiputeranya. Hal ini, sememangnya disedati oleh pihak Tanah Melayu dan ternyata dalam sikap toleransi Tun Abd. Razak ketika memberi ucapan pada Akhir mesyuarat persediaan di Jesselton di antara katanya:
berikut ini dihuraikan satu per satu 20 perkara tuntutan Sabah dan konsensi yang diperolehi oleh penduduk Sabah dan Srawak serta kepentingan yang diperolehi oleh kedua-dua negeri ini ekoran tuntutan tersebut.
Perkara satu - Agama
Di dalam tuntutan 20 pekara disebut:
walau pun tidak ada bantahan terhadap agama Islam menjadi agama rasmi Malaysia, tetapi tidak ada agama rasmi di Sabah dan Sarawak. Oleh itu, hendaklah diadakan jaminan untuk kebebsan agama. Setiap orang berhak menganuti dan mengamalkan agamanya dan tiap-tiap kumpulan agama adalah berhak menguruskan hal-hal agamanya sendiri, menubuh dan menyelenggara yayasan bagi maksud-maksud agma dan memperolehi serta memegnag dan mentadbir mengikut undang-undang. Semua kebebasan di atas juga tidak membenarkan apa-apa perbuatan yang berlarutan dengan undang-undang atau mengenai ketaatan awam, kesihatan awam atau akhlak. Bagi menjamin kebebasan agama ini terdapat undang Persekutuan yang memberi bantuan kewangan kepada Institusi Islam atau pekerjaan Islam, maka peruntukan yang seimbang juga diberikan kepada tujuan-tujuan kebajikan masyarajat di wilayah-wilayah Borneo iaitu Sabah dan Sarawak.
Perkara dua- Bahasa (Perkara 152 dalam perlembagaan)
Bahasa Melayu hendaklah menjadi bahasa Kebangsaan Persekutuan. Bahasa Inggeris akan
terus digunakan untuk tempoh sepuluh tahun selepas hari Malaysia. Bahasa Inggeris
hendaklah menjadi bahasa rasmi Borneo Utara untuk semua tujuan baik pad peringkat negeri mahupun Persekutuan had tempohnya.
(20 perkara-16)berdasarkan perkara ini, Bahasa Melayu hendaknya menjadi kebangsaan Persekutuan dan Bahas Inggeris terus digunkan untuk temph sepuluh tahun selepas hari Malaysia di Saah dan Sarawak. Sementara itu juga Bahsa Inggeris menjadi bahasa rasmi bagi Sabah dan Sarawak untuk semua tujuan baik di peringkat negeri mahu pun peringkat persekutuan. syarat ini, telah diterima oleh semua IGC dan telah pun mendapat tempat dalam perlembagaan dalam perkara 152. Syarat ini, dikemukakan kerana bahasa boleh digunakan sebagi alat menyatupadukan rakyat pelbgai kaum dan pelbagai sukuan terutama di Sarawak dan Sabah.
Perkata tiga- Imigrasi kawalan kemasukan orang ke mana-mana kawsan di Malaysia dari luar adalah terletak di bawah kuasa kerajaan Pusa tetapi kemasukan ke Borneo Utara perlu mendapat kelulusan kerajaan Negeri.
Kerajaan Persekutuan tidak boleh mengahklang kemasukan orang ke Borneo Utara untuk
tujuan keraja Negeri kecuali atas sebab keselematan. Borneo Utara hendaklah mempunyai
kuasa yang tidak terbatas bagi mengawal pergerakan orang-orang dari kawasan kawasan lain di malysia ke dalam Borneo Utara , selain daripada yang bekerja dengan kerajaan
Persekutuan di Borneo Utara. (Hlm 30)imigrasi hendaklah tetap dalam senarai persekutuan tetapi undang-undang hendaklah digubal oleh Parlimen untuk menentukannya, kecuali perkara-perkara tertentu, seperti permintaan masuk ke negeri-negeri Borneo ini mestilah diluluskan oleh negeri-negeri berkenaan. Undang-undang ini tidak boleh dipindah atau dihapuskan melainkan dengan persetujuan negeri -negeri tersebut. Borneo Utara juga hendaklah mempunayi kuasa yang tidak terbatas bagi mengawal pergerakan orang-orang dari kawasan-kawasanlain di Malaysia ke dalam Borneo Utara, selain daripada yang bekerja degan Persekutuan di Borneo Utara. Perkara ini dikemukakan demi menjaga kepentingan penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak supaya peluang-peluang yang terdapat di kedua negeri ini tidak diperolehi oleh orang luar. Ini memberi keuntungan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak kerana peraturan ini akan menyekat kemasukan orang-orang luar dan sesiapa yang mahu memasuki negeri-negeri ini perlu mendapat kebenaran kecuali yang bekerja dengan kerajaan Persekutuan.
Perkara empat - pelajaran & sistem pendidikan yang ada di Borneo Utara sejak arang hendaklah dikekalkan dan diletakkan di bawah kuasa kerajaan Negeri.Pelajaran sebenarnya hendaklah djadikan perkara Persekutuan, tetapi polisi dan sistem pentadbiran pelajaran di Sabah dan Sarwak berdasarkanperkara ini dikekalkan sepertimana kemahuan kerajaan negeri-negeri terebut sehinggalah kerajaan ini bersetuju mengubahnya. Dalam hal ini memberi peluang kepada kerajaan negeri menkaji perkara tersebut sebelum mengubahnya tau meminda sistem pendidikan di Sabah dan Sarawak untuk kepentngan rakyatnya sendiri.
Perkara lima - perkhidmatan Awam & Pengambilan perkhidmatan Awam oleh rakyat Borneo hendaklah dilaksanakan dengan secepat mungkin (hlm 41)tuntutan 20 perkara menekankan supaya pengambilan pegawai-pegawai baru di Borneo Utara hendaklah diberi keutamaan kepada penduduk di wilayah itu. Ini adalah bertujuan membuka peluiang kepada Bumiputera dan mengelakkan bukan Bumipiutera terutama kaum Cina daripada menguasai perkhidmatan ini kerana kaum ini lebih maju dalam pemdidikan berbanding penduduk tempatan .dalam perkara ini dinyatakan juga pelbagi hal yang menyentuh bidang perkhidmatan awam persekutuan, perkhidmatan awam persekutuan dengan negeri-negeri, pinjaman-pinjaman pegawai-pegawai, sekatan mengenai pembuangan kerja an penurunan pangkat kakitangan awam dan suruhanjaya-suruhanjaya dalam perkhidmatan awam. Selain itu suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam berasingan hendaklah ditubuhkan di tiap-tiap negeri. Bagi menjaga kepntingan perkhidmatan awam di negeri-negeri Borneo, pegawai-pegawai yang da termasuk pegawai-pegawai dagang dinaikkan pangkat untuk ditukarkan ke perkhidmatan Persekutuan, tetapi tidak boleh ditukarkan keluar dari wilayah-wilayah Borneo tanpa persetuuan mereka.
perkara enam- kerakyatan & saranan-saranan dalam perenggan 148 (k) Laporan Suruhanjaya Cobbold hendaklah merangkumi hak-hak kewarganegraaan rakyat Borneo Utara dalam Persekutuan tertakluk kepada pindaan-pindaan berikut:
a) perenggan kecil (I) tidak harus mengandungi peruntukan menetapkan selama lima tahun.
b) Demi menyelaraskan kepada undang-undang kita, perenggan kecil (ii) (a) hendaklah
berbunyi "tujuh daripada sepuluh tahun" dan bukannya "lapan daripada dua belas tahun".
c) Perenggan kecil (iii) seharusnya tidak mengandungi sekatan berhubung dengan
kewarganegaraan ibu-bapa seseorang yang lahir di Borneo Utara seleas Malaysia metilah menjadi warganegara Persekutuan. hlm 52 Berdasarkan syarat kerakyatan yang dikemukan ini, tidaklah sewenwang-wenwangnya untuk menjadi warganegara Sabah dan Sarawak. Syarat ini juga dapat menghad seseorang sesiapa yang layak sahaja untuk menjadi warganegara kedua-dua negeri ini.
Perkara Tujuh- Dewan Undangan Persekutuan
ini hendaklah mengambil kira bukan sahaja jumlah penduduk Borneo Utara tetapi
juga saiz dan pretasinya dan dalam apa keadaan tidak harus kurang daripada
Singapura. Dalam perkara pemilihan dewan Undangan Persekutuan pertimbngan bukan
sahaja diberikan ke atas bilangan penduduk, tetapi juga kepada potensi dan prestasi
negeri tersebut. Perlantikan juga tidak boleh kurang daripada Singapura, oleh itu
tiap-tiap masjlis Undangan di Borneo hendaklah memilih 2 orang ahli Dewan Undangan
Negara. Sebagai tambahan, bilangan Dewan Undangan yang dilantik hendaklah ditambah 6
orang lagi kerana kemasukan Sarawak dan Sabah. Ahli-ahli baru yang dipilih dari Sabah
ialah 16 orang dan Sarawak seramai 24 orang. (kerusi percantuman di antara Persekutuan dengan Singapura telah diperuntukan 15 kerusi untuk Sinagapuara)
Perkara lapan- Perlembagaan negeri-negeri. ketua-ketua Menteri hendaklah dipilih oleh anggota Majlis Perundangan tidak rasmi. Sistem Menteri yang sempurna hendaklah diwujudkan di Borneo Utara. Berdasarkan perkara ini Ketua-tua negeri Borneo yang pertama hendaklah dilantik oleh baginda Queen dan Paduka Baginda Dipertuan Agung sebelum hari Malaysia untuk bertugas selam dua tahun. Sistem Menteri yang sempurna juga hendaklah dilaksanakan di Borneo Utara. Di Sarawak, ketua negeri telah dikenali sebagai Gabenor dab di Sabah sebagai Yang Dipertuan Negeri. Sementara masalah mengenai Perlembagaan Negeri dan Perlembagann Persekutuan akan ditentukan oleh Mahkamah. Perubahan-perubahan alin yang tertentu berkenan Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah sebagi Majlis tertinggi (Supereme council) dan Majlis Undangan sebagai Council Negeri.
Perkara sembilan- kuasa membuat undang. Pembahagian kuasa persekutuan dan Negeri seperti tercatat dalam Jadual 9,perlembagaan Malaysia:
Senari 1: di bawah Kuasa Persekutuan
Senarai 2: Di bawah Kuasa negeri
Senarai 2A: Tambhan kepada senarai negeri bagi negeri-negeri di Borneo
Senarai 3: Di bawah kuasa bersama dan
Senarai 3A: Tambahan kepada senarai bersama bagi negeri-negeri Borneo.
Pembahagian kusa membuat undang-undang dibhagikan kepada Majlis Undangan Persekutuandan Negeri. Majlis Undangan Persekutuan menentukan hal-hal ehwal luar, pertahanan, keselamatan dalam negeri, undang -undang sivil dan jenayah, peraturan dan pentadbiran keadilan, kerakyatan, jentera kewangan kerajaan, perdagangan, perniagaan dan perusahaan, perkapalan,perhubungan dan pengngkutan, kerja raya dan tenaga, ukur, buruh, koperasi hari-hari kelepasan, surat khabar, dan penyiaran dan syarikat-syarikat kerjasama. Sementra Majlis Undangan Negeri berperanan dalam perkara-perkara seperti undang-undang Islam, dan adat istiadat orang-orang asli, tanh, pertanian, hutan, kerajaan negeri, penyelidikan, ganti rugi dan sebagainya, bagi perkar-perkara yang termasuk dalam senarai bersam ialah kebajikan masyarakat, biasiswa, perlindumgan binatang liar, ternakan, perncangan bandar dan luar bandar, pengemis-pengemis dan penjaja, kesatuan dan kebersihan awm, parit, dan tali air dan pemulihan tanah-tanha lombong.
Perkara sepuluh- hak keistemewaan Bumiputera
Pada prinsipnya suku kaum Bumiputera di Borneo Utara hendalah menikmati hak-hak
istimewa seperti yang dinikmati oleh kaum Malyu ketika ini tidak semestinya boleh
digunakan untuk Borneo Utara.Hak kedudukan istimewa Bumiputera ini disediakan dalam
Perkhidmatan Awam termaktub dalam Artikel 161 A Perlebanngan Persekutuan. dalam Artikel ini memebri kedudukan Bumiputera di Borneo Utatara dengan hak keistimewaan oarang Melayu di bawah perkara 153.
Perkara sebelas- Peraturan dalam masa peralihan tempoh peralihan hendaklah tujuh tahun, dan dlam tempoh itu kuasa perundangan hendaklah diserahkan pada negeri Borneo Utara oleh Perlembagaan dan tidak sekadar diamanahkan kepada kerajaan negeri oleh kerajaan Persekutuan.
hlm 82 perkaraini dimasukkan ke dalam Perjanjian Malaysia atau Perlembagaan Persekutuan. tempoh peralihan diberi selam tujuh tahun dan kuasa perundangan adalah di bawah kuada kerajaan Negeri. Tujuan tempoh peralihan iniadalah untuk membolehkan peningkatan kesedaran politik di klangan rakyat negeri Sabah, supaya mereka aham akan tangungjawab mereka sebagai pemimpin kerana merka belum lagi mempunyai penglaman dalam mentadbir negeri sendiri sebelum penubuhan Malaysia.
Perkara dua belas-Undang-undang masa kini undang -undang mengenai perkara-perkara Persekutuan yang baru sahaja dikuatkusakan dalam sesebuah Borneo sebelum hari Malysia, hendaklah dijalankan danditeruskan walau pun di dapati tidak sesuai dengn sebarang peruntukan dalam perlembagaan sehingga diubah atau dibatalkan oleh kuasa tertentu.
Perkara ini membincangkan tentang undang-undang Persekutuan yang dikuatkusa di Borneo Utara sebelum hari Malaysia di negeri-negeri tersebut hendaklah dijalankan walupun diadapati tidak sesuai sehinggalah Perlembgaan diubah atau dipinda oleh mana-mana kusa tertentu.
Perkara tiga belas-Majlis Negara Bagi Kerajaan tempatan.
Kerajaan negeri-negeri terpaksa mengikuti polisi majlis ini sehingga kerajaan negeri-negeri memutuskan untuk berbuat demikian.
Perkara empat belas-Pruntukan kewangan Borneo Utara hendaklah berhak menjaga dan mengawal kewangan Tabung Pembangunan dan tarfnuya sendiri.
(a)在联邦宪法下,马来语(Bahasa Melayu)是为联邦的官方语言,
应称为马来西亚(Malaysia)而不是马拉尤联邦(Melayu Raya)。
(b)沙巴和砂劳越应采用类似联邦政府的部长制(Ministerial System),而不是州政治委员制(EXCO)
应命为Yang Di-Pertua Negeri。
应命为Sabah / Sarawak
Penubuhan Malaysia yang dikemukakan oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 27 Mei 1961 dalam satu majlis jamuan yang diadakan oleh Persatuan Wartawan-wartawan Luar Negeri Asia Tenggara di Singapura telah dapat dilaksanakan pada 16 September 1963. Persekutuan ini terdiri daripada 11 buah negeri di Tanah Melayu, dua buah negeri Boneo iaitu Sabah dan Sarawak.
Penubuhan Malaysia adalah melalui Perjanjian Malaysia yang diadakan antara negeri-negeri tersebut dan menggabungkan pelbagai dokumen termasuk Rang Undang-Undang Malaysia iaitu Akta Malaysia 1963. Gabungan dokumen ini termasuklah syarat-syarat penyertaan dan peraturan perlembagaan terhadap Sabah dan Sarawak iaitu syarat 20 Perkara yang dirujuk untuk membentuk Malaysia. Perjanjian Malaysia juga tertakluk kepada kemahuan negeri-negeri ini bagi membentuk Malaysia yang dianggap sebagai satu gabungan rakan-rakan kongsi yang bersatu padu untuk membentuk sebuah negara baru dengan ciri-ciri masing-masing. Namun begitu, sebelum pembentukan Malaysia, satu siri perbincangan dan penyiasatan telah diadakan di antara bulan Mei 1961 dengan tarikh penubuhan Malaysia berhubung denagn syarat-yarat yang sesuia untuk persekutuan bagi enjamin kepentinagan negeri-neger Melayu termasuk Sbah, Sarawak yang pertma kali bergabuing dengan Malatsia.
Peringkat awal perkara telah dibincangkan oleh para pemimin dari lima buah negeri iaitu Tanah Melayu, Singapura, Borneo Utara, Sarawak dan Brunei dalam Mesyuarat Persatua Parlimen Komanwel Serantau yang diadakan di Singapura pada bulam Julai 1961. Ekoran daripad mesyuarat ini, pada bulan Febuari 1962, sebuah Jawatankuasa Perunding Perpaduan Malaysia (MSCC) telah mengeluarkan sebuah memorandum yang menyokong Malaysia dan memperlihatkan beberpa syarat am untuk Persekutuan. sebuah suruhanjaya penyiasatan juga telah dibentuk pada Januari 1962 iaitu Suruhanjaya Cobbold berikutan lawatan Tunku Abd. Rahman ke London pada bulan Oktober 1961. Suruhanjaya ini dipengerusikan oleh Lord Cobbld iaitu bekas Gebenor Bank England. Sementara ahli-ahlinya terdiri daripada Dato Wong Pow Nee dan Mohd Ghazali Shafie yang dilantik oleh kerajaan Tanah Melayu dan Antony Abell serta Watherston bai mewakili kerajaan British. Tujuan penubuhan suruhanjaya iniadalah untuk meninjau pendapar penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak tentag gagasan Malaysia. Hasil daripada tugas yang dijalankan ini didapati lebih kurang 80% penduduk Sabah dan Sarawk menyokong penubuhan Malaysia iaitu kebanyakan terdiri daripada Bumiputera dan 20% menenteng. Laporan ini diperolehi setelah suruhanjaya ini menerima tidak kurang dari 2200 pucuk surat dan memorandum daripada parti-pati politik, ahli-ahli mesyuarat kerajaan dan undangan, pembesar-pembesar, anak-anak negeri dan pemimpin kaum, lembaa bandaran, majlis bandaran, pemimpin-pemimpin agama, kesauan sekerja dan sebilangan besar orang ramai.Suruhanjaya Cobbold telah mengsyorkan supaya Perlembagaan Tanh Melayu yang ada dijadikan asa bagi membentuk perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang baru. Namun, beberapa pindaan perlu digubal untuk disesuaikan denga kemasukan negeri-negeri baru ke dalam Persekutuan. sehuibungan itu, jaminan-jaminan mustahak perlu dibuat bagi memastikan kepentingan khas negeri-ngeri Borneo terjamin. Oleh itu, negeri
Sabah dan Sarawak diminta menyediakan laporan mereka untuk meyertai Malysia. Laporan ini dikaji oleh satu jawatankuasa yang diwakili oleh kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, Britain, Sabah dan Sarawak. Maka terbentuknya satu jawatankuasa yang dikenali
sebagaijawtankuasa Antara-Kerajaan atau Inter-Governmental Ccommittee pada bulan Ogos
yang diberi tugas untuk:
Menyusun perlembagaan Persekutuan yang baru dan perlindungan khas untuk
Borneo Utara dan Sarawak. Jawatankuasa ini dipegerusikan oleh Lord Landsdowne dan
timbalanya ialah Tun Abdul Razak. Anggota lain terdiri daripada Donald Stephen, Abang
Haji Mustaffa, Temenggung Jugah, seorang wakil Britain dan seorang wakil Persekutuan
Tanah Melayu. Sebanyak lima buah jawatankuasa kecil berkenaan hal-hal perlembagaan, kewangan, undang-undang, perkhidmatan awam, dan membentuk kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia diwujudkan untuk mempertimbangkan hal ini. Sementara Sabah dan Sarawak mula menkaji untuk membuat beberapa tuntutan yang munasabah untuk menjaga kepentingan mereka sebagai Bumiputera sebelum memasuki Malaysia. Tuntutan ini dikenali sebagi 20 Perkara Sabah dan ia merupakan syarat-ayarat Borneo Utara memesuki Malaysia. Kebanyakan syarat-syarat ini diterima oleh IGC dan telah dimasukkan di dalam Perjanjian Malaysia.
Tuntutan 20 Perkara Sabah merupakan memorandum MSCC yang diusulkan oleh USNO, UNKO United Parti, Demokratik Parti dan United Pasok Momogun Organisation dan isinya adalah soal perlindunagan dan syarat-syarat Borneo Utara dan Sarawak menyertai Malaysia terutama dalam hal-hal kebebasan agama, bahasa-bahasa lain (selain Melayu), migrasi dan kepentingan-kepentingan Bumiputeranya. Hal ini, sememangnya disedati oleh pihak Tanah Melayu dan ternyata dalam sikap toleransi Tun Abd. Razak ketika memberi ucapan pada Akhir mesyuarat persediaan di Jesselton di antara katanya:
We have heard views of the people of North and Sarawak and we will now work out safeguards to bring about Malaysia.
berikut ini dihuraikan satu per satu 20 perkara tuntutan Sabah dan konsensi yang diperolehi oleh penduduk Sabah dan Srawak serta kepentingan yang diperolehi oleh kedua-dua negeri ini ekoran tuntutan tersebut.
Perkara satu - Agama
Di dalam tuntutan 20 pekara disebut:
walau pun tidak ada bantahan terhadap agama Islam menjadi agama rasmi Malaysia, tetapi tidak ada agama rasmi di Sabah dan Sarawak. Oleh itu, hendaklah diadakan jaminan untuk kebebsan agama. Setiap orang berhak menganuti dan mengamalkan agamanya dan tiap-tiap kumpulan agama adalah berhak menguruskan hal-hal agamanya sendiri, menubuh dan menyelenggara yayasan bagi maksud-maksud agma dan memperolehi serta memegnag dan mentadbir mengikut undang-undang. Semua kebebasan di atas juga tidak membenarkan apa-apa perbuatan yang berlarutan dengan undang-undang atau mengenai ketaatan awam, kesihatan awam atau akhlak. Bagi menjamin kebebasan agama ini terdapat undang Persekutuan yang memberi bantuan kewangan kepada Institusi Islam atau pekerjaan Islam, maka peruntukan yang seimbang juga diberikan kepada tujuan-tujuan kebajikan masyarajat di wilayah-wilayah Borneo iaitu Sabah dan Sarawak.
Perkara dua- Bahasa (Perkara 152 dalam perlembagaan)
Bahasa Melayu hendaklah menjadi bahasa Kebangsaan Persekutuan. Bahasa Inggeris akan
terus digunakan untuk tempoh sepuluh tahun selepas hari Malaysia. Bahasa Inggeris
hendaklah menjadi bahasa rasmi Borneo Utara untuk semua tujuan baik pad peringkat negeri mahupun Persekutuan had tempohnya.
(20 perkara-16)berdasarkan perkara ini, Bahasa Melayu hendaknya menjadi kebangsaan Persekutuan dan Bahas Inggeris terus digunkan untuk temph sepuluh tahun selepas hari Malaysia di Saah dan Sarawak. Sementara itu juga Bahsa Inggeris menjadi bahasa rasmi bagi Sabah dan Sarawak untuk semua tujuan baik di peringkat negeri mahu pun peringkat persekutuan. syarat ini, telah diterima oleh semua IGC dan telah pun mendapat tempat dalam perlembagaan dalam perkara 152. Syarat ini, dikemukakan kerana bahasa boleh digunakan sebagi alat menyatupadukan rakyat pelbgai kaum dan pelbagai sukuan terutama di Sarawak dan Sabah.
Perkata tiga- Imigrasi kawalan kemasukan orang ke mana-mana kawsan di Malaysia dari luar adalah terletak di bawah kuasa kerajaan Pusa tetapi kemasukan ke Borneo Utara perlu mendapat kelulusan kerajaan Negeri.
Kerajaan Persekutuan tidak boleh mengahklang kemasukan orang ke Borneo Utara untuk
tujuan keraja Negeri kecuali atas sebab keselematan. Borneo Utara hendaklah mempunyai
kuasa yang tidak terbatas bagi mengawal pergerakan orang-orang dari kawasan kawasan lain di malysia ke dalam Borneo Utara , selain daripada yang bekerja dengan kerajaan
Persekutuan di Borneo Utara. (Hlm 30)imigrasi hendaklah tetap dalam senarai persekutuan tetapi undang-undang hendaklah digubal oleh Parlimen untuk menentukannya, kecuali perkara-perkara tertentu, seperti permintaan masuk ke negeri-negeri Borneo ini mestilah diluluskan oleh negeri-negeri berkenaan. Undang-undang ini tidak boleh dipindah atau dihapuskan melainkan dengan persetujuan negeri -negeri tersebut. Borneo Utara juga hendaklah mempunayi kuasa yang tidak terbatas bagi mengawal pergerakan orang-orang dari kawasan-kawasanlain di Malaysia ke dalam Borneo Utara, selain daripada yang bekerja degan Persekutuan di Borneo Utara. Perkara ini dikemukakan demi menjaga kepentingan penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak supaya peluang-peluang yang terdapat di kedua negeri ini tidak diperolehi oleh orang luar. Ini memberi keuntungan kepada Sabah dan Sarawak kerana peraturan ini akan menyekat kemasukan orang-orang luar dan sesiapa yang mahu memasuki negeri-negeri ini perlu mendapat kebenaran kecuali yang bekerja dengan kerajaan Persekutuan.
Perkara empat - pelajaran & sistem pendidikan yang ada di Borneo Utara sejak arang hendaklah dikekalkan dan diletakkan di bawah kuasa kerajaan Negeri.Pelajaran sebenarnya hendaklah djadikan perkara Persekutuan, tetapi polisi dan sistem pentadbiran pelajaran di Sabah dan Sarwak berdasarkanperkara ini dikekalkan sepertimana kemahuan kerajaan negeri-negeri terebut sehinggalah kerajaan ini bersetuju mengubahnya. Dalam hal ini memberi peluang kepada kerajaan negeri menkaji perkara tersebut sebelum mengubahnya tau meminda sistem pendidikan di Sabah dan Sarawak untuk kepentngan rakyatnya sendiri.
Perkara lima - perkhidmatan Awam & Pengambilan perkhidmatan Awam oleh rakyat Borneo hendaklah dilaksanakan dengan secepat mungkin (hlm 41)tuntutan 20 perkara menekankan supaya pengambilan pegawai-pegawai baru di Borneo Utara hendaklah diberi keutamaan kepada penduduk di wilayah itu. Ini adalah bertujuan membuka peluiang kepada Bumiputera dan mengelakkan bukan Bumipiutera terutama kaum Cina daripada menguasai perkhidmatan ini kerana kaum ini lebih maju dalam pemdidikan berbanding penduduk tempatan .dalam perkara ini dinyatakan juga pelbagi hal yang menyentuh bidang perkhidmatan awam persekutuan, perkhidmatan awam persekutuan dengan negeri-negeri, pinjaman-pinjaman pegawai-pegawai, sekatan mengenai pembuangan kerja an penurunan pangkat kakitangan awam dan suruhanjaya-suruhanjaya dalam perkhidmatan awam. Selain itu suruhanjaya perkhidmatan awam berasingan hendaklah ditubuhkan di tiap-tiap negeri. Bagi menjaga kepntingan perkhidmatan awam di negeri-negeri Borneo, pegawai-pegawai yang da termasuk pegawai-pegawai dagang dinaikkan pangkat untuk ditukarkan ke perkhidmatan Persekutuan, tetapi tidak boleh ditukarkan keluar dari wilayah-wilayah Borneo tanpa persetuuan mereka.
perkara enam- kerakyatan & saranan-saranan dalam perenggan 148 (k) Laporan Suruhanjaya Cobbold hendaklah merangkumi hak-hak kewarganegraaan rakyat Borneo Utara dalam Persekutuan tertakluk kepada pindaan-pindaan berikut:
a) perenggan kecil (I) tidak harus mengandungi peruntukan menetapkan selama lima tahun.
b) Demi menyelaraskan kepada undang-undang kita, perenggan kecil (ii) (a) hendaklah
berbunyi "tujuh daripada sepuluh tahun" dan bukannya "lapan daripada dua belas tahun".
c) Perenggan kecil (iii) seharusnya tidak mengandungi sekatan berhubung dengan
kewarganegaraan ibu-bapa seseorang yang lahir di Borneo Utara seleas Malaysia metilah menjadi warganegara Persekutuan. hlm 52 Berdasarkan syarat kerakyatan yang dikemukan ini, tidaklah sewenwang-wenwangnya untuk menjadi warganegara Sabah dan Sarawak. Syarat ini juga dapat menghad seseorang sesiapa yang layak sahaja untuk menjadi warganegara kedua-dua negeri ini.
Perkara Tujuh- Dewan Undangan Persekutuan
ini hendaklah mengambil kira bukan sahaja jumlah penduduk Borneo Utara tetapi
juga saiz dan pretasinya dan dalam apa keadaan tidak harus kurang daripada
Singapura. Dalam perkara pemilihan dewan Undangan Persekutuan pertimbngan bukan
sahaja diberikan ke atas bilangan penduduk, tetapi juga kepada potensi dan prestasi
negeri tersebut. Perlantikan juga tidak boleh kurang daripada Singapura, oleh itu
tiap-tiap masjlis Undangan di Borneo hendaklah memilih 2 orang ahli Dewan Undangan
Negara. Sebagai tambahan, bilangan Dewan Undangan yang dilantik hendaklah ditambah 6
orang lagi kerana kemasukan Sarawak dan Sabah. Ahli-ahli baru yang dipilih dari Sabah
ialah 16 orang dan Sarawak seramai 24 orang. (kerusi percantuman di antara Persekutuan dengan Singapura telah diperuntukan 15 kerusi untuk Sinagapuara)
Perkara lapan- Perlembagaan negeri-negeri. ketua-ketua Menteri hendaklah dipilih oleh anggota Majlis Perundangan tidak rasmi. Sistem Menteri yang sempurna hendaklah diwujudkan di Borneo Utara. Berdasarkan perkara ini Ketua-tua negeri Borneo yang pertama hendaklah dilantik oleh baginda Queen dan Paduka Baginda Dipertuan Agung sebelum hari Malaysia untuk bertugas selam dua tahun. Sistem Menteri yang sempurna juga hendaklah dilaksanakan di Borneo Utara. Di Sarawak, ketua negeri telah dikenali sebagai Gabenor dab di Sabah sebagai Yang Dipertuan Negeri. Sementara masalah mengenai Perlembagaan Negeri dan Perlembagann Persekutuan akan ditentukan oleh Mahkamah. Perubahan-perubahan alin yang tertentu berkenan Perlembagaan Negeri Sabah sebagi Majlis tertinggi (Supereme council) dan Majlis Undangan sebagai Council Negeri.
Perkara sembilan- kuasa membuat undang. Pembahagian kuasa persekutuan dan Negeri seperti tercatat dalam Jadual 9,perlembagaan Malaysia:
Senari 1: di bawah Kuasa Persekutuan
Senarai 2: Di bawah Kuasa negeri
Senarai 2A: Tambhan kepada senarai negeri bagi negeri-negeri di Borneo
Senarai 3: Di bawah kuasa bersama dan
Senarai 3A: Tambahan kepada senarai bersama bagi negeri-negeri Borneo.
Pembahagian kusa membuat undang-undang dibhagikan kepada Majlis Undangan Persekutuandan Negeri. Majlis Undangan Persekutuan menentukan hal-hal ehwal luar, pertahanan, keselamatan dalam negeri, undang -undang sivil dan jenayah, peraturan dan pentadbiran keadilan, kerakyatan, jentera kewangan kerajaan, perdagangan, perniagaan dan perusahaan, perkapalan,perhubungan dan pengngkutan, kerja raya dan tenaga, ukur, buruh, koperasi hari-hari kelepasan, surat khabar, dan penyiaran dan syarikat-syarikat kerjasama. Sementra Majlis Undangan Negeri berperanan dalam perkara-perkara seperti undang-undang Islam, dan adat istiadat orang-orang asli, tanh, pertanian, hutan, kerajaan negeri, penyelidikan, ganti rugi dan sebagainya, bagi perkar-perkara yang termasuk dalam senarai bersam ialah kebajikan masyarakat, biasiswa, perlindumgan binatang liar, ternakan, perncangan bandar dan luar bandar, pengemis-pengemis dan penjaja, kesatuan dan kebersihan awm, parit, dan tali air dan pemulihan tanah-tanha lombong.
Perkara sepuluh- hak keistemewaan Bumiputera
Pada prinsipnya suku kaum Bumiputera di Borneo Utara hendalah menikmati hak-hak
istimewa seperti yang dinikmati oleh kaum Malyu ketika ini tidak semestinya boleh
digunakan untuk Borneo Utara.Hak kedudukan istimewa Bumiputera ini disediakan dalam
Perkhidmatan Awam termaktub dalam Artikel 161 A Perlebanngan Persekutuan. dalam Artikel ini memebri kedudukan Bumiputera di Borneo Utatara dengan hak keistimewaan oarang Melayu di bawah perkara 153.
Perkara sebelas- Peraturan dalam masa peralihan tempoh peralihan hendaklah tujuh tahun, dan dlam tempoh itu kuasa perundangan hendaklah diserahkan pada negeri Borneo Utara oleh Perlembagaan dan tidak sekadar diamanahkan kepada kerajaan negeri oleh kerajaan Persekutuan.
hlm 82 perkaraini dimasukkan ke dalam Perjanjian Malaysia atau Perlembagaan Persekutuan. tempoh peralihan diberi selam tujuh tahun dan kuasa perundangan adalah di bawah kuada kerajaan Negeri. Tujuan tempoh peralihan iniadalah untuk membolehkan peningkatan kesedaran politik di klangan rakyat negeri Sabah, supaya mereka aham akan tangungjawab mereka sebagai pemimpin kerana merka belum lagi mempunyai penglaman dalam mentadbir negeri sendiri sebelum penubuhan Malaysia.
Perkara dua belas-Undang-undang masa kini undang -undang mengenai perkara-perkara Persekutuan yang baru sahaja dikuatkusakan dalam sesebuah Borneo sebelum hari Malysia, hendaklah dijalankan danditeruskan walau pun di dapati tidak sesuai dengn sebarang peruntukan dalam perlembagaan sehingga diubah atau dibatalkan oleh kuasa tertentu.
Perkara ini membincangkan tentang undang-undang Persekutuan yang dikuatkusa di Borneo Utara sebelum hari Malaysia di negeri-negeri tersebut hendaklah dijalankan walupun diadapati tidak sesuai sehinggalah Perlembgaan diubah atau dipinda oleh mana-mana kusa tertentu.
Perkara tiga belas-Majlis Negara Bagi Kerajaan tempatan.
Kerajaan negeri-negeri terpaksa mengikuti polisi majlis ini sehingga kerajaan negeri-negeri memutuskan untuk berbuat demikian.
Perkara empat belas-Pruntukan kewangan Borneo Utara hendaklah berhak menjaga dan mengawal kewangan Tabung Pembangunan dan tarfnuya sendiri.
以下文章探讨民法法系(civil law system)和普通法法系(common law system)的基本差别和相对的比较
民法法系(civil law system)是以古代罗马法特别是19世纪初《法国民法典》为传统而发展起来的各国和地区法的总称,所以称为罗马法系,由于它首先在欧洲大陆各国兴起,所以称为大陆法系;由于它也受到中世纪日耳曼法的影响,所以又称为罗马--日耳曼法系或罗马--德意志法系。至于称为民法法系,乃是因为该法系的主要内容是民法。
普通法法系(common law system)是以英国中世纪至资本主义时期的法特别是普通法为基础和传统而发展起来的各国和地区法的总称,故称为普通法法系、英国法系,亦称英美法系,由于它以判例法为法的主要表现形式,故称为判例法系
1962年美国法学会(ALI),这个由杰出的律师,法官和学者组成的民间组织,编制了《模范刑法典》,意在作为立法以供各州采纳或不予适用。自从1962年《模范刑法典》公布以来,已有超过35个州全部或部分采纳《模范刑法典》。由于已为普遍接受,因此考查当前刑法时就不能忽视《模范刑法典》。本书对模范刑法典的原则与先前的法律原则作了比较。那些早先的原则,无论是制定法的还是普通法的,在此通称为“普通法”。但是,应该注意——我们是用 ALI编制的《模范刑法典》作比较。没有一个州精确地采纳ALI建议的《模范刑法典》,许多司法区(最主要的是,联邦刑法典和加利福尼亚刑法典)仍旧完全没有采纳《模范刑法典》。因此,虽然《模范刑法典》是“美国刑法”可能是一般事实,但一些特殊的规定可能不是特定司法区的“刑法”。还有,即使在那些没有颁布《模范刑法典》的州,法院有时也会参照《模范刑法典》以此作为指导,因为它被认为体现了审慎而中立地解释刑法的原则。
民法法系(civil law system)是以古代罗马法特别是19世纪初《法国民法典》为传统而发展起来的各国和地区法的总称,所以称为罗马法系,由于它首先在欧洲大陆各国兴起,所以称为大陆法系;由于它也受到中世纪日耳曼法的影响,所以又称为罗马--日耳曼法系或罗马--德意志法系。至于称为民法法系,乃是因为该法系的主要内容是民法。
普通法法系(common law system)是以英国中世纪至资本主义时期的法特别是普通法为基础和传统而发展起来的各国和地区法的总称,故称为普通法法系、英国法系,亦称英美法系,由于它以判例法为法的主要表现形式,故称为判例法系
1962年美国法学会(ALI),这个由杰出的律师,法官和学者组成的民间组织,编制了《模范刑法典》,意在作为立法以供各州采纳或不予适用。自从1962年《模范刑法典》公布以来,已有超过35个州全部或部分采纳《模范刑法典》。由于已为普遍接受,因此考查当前刑法时就不能忽视《模范刑法典》。本书对模范刑法典的原则与先前的法律原则作了比较。那些早先的原则,无论是制定法的还是普通法的,在此通称为“普通法”。但是,应该注意——我们是用 ALI编制的《模范刑法典》作比较。没有一个州精确地采纳ALI建议的《模范刑法典》,许多司法区(最主要的是,联邦刑法典和加利福尼亚刑法典)仍旧完全没有采纳《模范刑法典》。因此,虽然《模范刑法典》是“美国刑法”可能是一般事实,但一些特殊的规定可能不是特定司法区的“刑法”。还有,即使在那些没有颁布《模范刑法典》的州,法院有时也会参照《模范刑法典》以此作为指导,因为它被认为体现了审慎而中立地解释刑法的原则。
Type header here
2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 Malaysia’s organised crime syndicate: all roads lead to Putrajaya
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 The walls come crumbling down
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 All that crap
2007-12-21 The unholy trinity
2007-12-27 The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
2008-01-01 2008: same shit, different days
2008-01-05 Warlords and heavyweights: two peas in a pod
2008-01-10 The ten-year mood swings
2008-01-17 Trojan Horses in the opposition ranks
2008-01-23 Bernas, Malaysia's leading rice smuggler
2008-01-29 Keystone Cops galore
2008-02-04 How the hunter became the hunted
2008-02-05 'Sultan' Zulhasnan, the RM700 million man
2008-02-09 A scam, by any other name, smells just as foul
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 Two's company, three's a crowd
2008-02-22 Resurrecting the dead
2008-02-25 While we go to the polls, they rip us off in our sleep
2008-02-28 Police investigation report on Tan Sri Dato Nor Mohamed Bin Yakcop, Finance Minister 2
2008-03-02 Winds of change
2008-03-07 Why we are voting tomorrow
2008-03-09 Thank you Malaysians, wherever you are
2008-03-12 Between perception and reality
2008-03-13 Yellow card for the opposition
2008-03-15 Small things please small minds
2008-03-18 May 13? What May 13?
2008-03-20 The countdown begins
2008-03-24 Monsoon (Cup) winds of change
2008-03-25 Understanding the Terengganu MB issue
2008-03-27 Anwar or Ku Li? The race is on
2008-04-01 Back to the future: the fall of Saigon revisited
2008-04-05 Smokescreens and disinformation: a distraction of issues
2008-04-07 Like Siamese twins
2008-04-08 Cheated not once, but thrice
2008-04-09 Magic, sheer magic
2008-04-12 Running dog running scared
2008-04-16 Let the heads roll
2008-04-17 Is Umno exploding or imploding?
2008-04-19 Ummo’s loss is the rakyat’s gain
2008-04-19 Can Abdullah be brought down in 100 days?
2008-04-21 Hello.....what about Hishamuddin Yunus?
2008-04-23 Spin machine spinning out of control
2008-04-24 So, are the Sabah MPs crossing over or not?
2008-04-27 Umno’s really losing the plot
2008-04-30 My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad
2008-05-04 A needle in a haystack
2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 Malaysia’s organised crime syndicate: all roads lead to Putrajaya
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 The walls come crumbling down
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 All that crap
2007-12-21 The unholy trinity
2007-12-27 The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
2008-01-01 2008: same shit, different days
2008-01-05 Warlords and heavyweights: two peas in a pod
2008-01-10 The ten-year mood swings
2008-01-17 Trojan Horses in the opposition ranks
2008-01-23 Bernas, Malaysia's leading rice smuggler
2008-01-29 Keystone Cops galore
2008-02-04 How the hunter became the hunted
2008-02-05 'Sultan' Zulhasnan, the RM700 million man
2008-02-09 A scam, by any other name, smells just as foul
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 Two's company, three's a crowd
2008-02-22 Resurrecting the dead
2008-02-25 While we go to the polls, they rip us off in our sleep
2008-02-28 Police investigation report on Tan Sri Dato Nor Mohamed Bin Yakcop, Finance Minister 2
2008-03-02 Winds of change
2008-03-07 Why we are voting tomorrow
2008-03-09 Thank you Malaysians, wherever you are
2008-03-12 Between perception and reality
2008-03-13 Yellow card for the opposition
2008-03-15 Small things please small minds
2008-03-18 May 13? What May 13?
2008-03-20 The countdown begins
2008-03-24 Monsoon (Cup) winds of change
2008-03-25 Understanding the Terengganu MB issue
2008-03-27 Anwar or Ku Li? The race is on
2008-04-01 Back to the future: the fall of Saigon revisited
2008-04-05 Smokescreens and disinformation: a distraction of issues
2008-04-07 Like Siamese twins
2008-04-08 Cheated not once, but thrice
2008-04-09 Magic, sheer magic
2008-04-12 Running dog running scared
2008-04-16 Let the heads roll
2008-04-17 Is Umno exploding or imploding?
2008-04-19 Ummo’s loss is the rakyat’s gain
2008-04-19 Can Abdullah be brought down in 100 days?
2008-04-21 Hello.....what about Hishamuddin Yunus?
2008-04-23 Spin machine spinning out of control
2008-04-24 So, are the Sabah MPs crossing over or not?
2008-04-27 Umno’s really losing the plot
2008-04-30 My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad
2008-05-04 A needle in a haystack
Type header here
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 It is glorious to be rich
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 Malaysia Today the first to register
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 Spoiling for a fight
2007-04-14 Happy anniversary, my dear
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 I am mad, fucking mad
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 Okay, let’s rumble
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 A distortion of history
2007-12-13 Heal thyself
2007-12-19 Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
2007-12-23 All that is haram
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 When good is bad and bad is good
2008-01-05 Substance over rhetoric
2008-01-10 The law of relativity
2008-01-16 Malays, the enemy of Islam
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 The throw of dice
2008-02-01 Why I kick ass
2008-02-06 The people are the boss
2008-02-08 No future in the past
2008-02-13 Here in body, gone in mind
2008-02-17 When the going gets tough, the tough get going
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 A chip off the old block
2008-03-01 Suara rakyat, suara keramat
2008-03-06 Melayu Umno dan Cina DAP bodoh
2008-03-10 The aftermath of the 'bloodbath'
2008-03-13 DAP its own worst enemy
2008-03-14 I oppose an Islamic State
2008-03-16 A storm in a songkok
2008-03-17 Compromise works both ways
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 The Ugly Malaysian
2008-03-26 You forgot who voted for you?
2008-03-26 Others, not you, decide what you are (Updated)
2008-03-28 The real issues
2008-03-31 Elementary, my dear Watson
2008-04-02 The significance of the Monarchy and the two-thirds majority in Parliament
2008-04-03 Throwing the baby out with the bath water
2008-04-06 Coming of age
2008-04-09 Come hell or high water
2008-04-10 Prostitutes galore
2008-04-11 The brain sees what it is told to see
2008-04-13 Many apples in a barrel
2008-04-14 Come celebrate our wedding anniversary
2008-04-16 My version of the truth
2008-04-17 This little piggie went to market
2008-04-18 Father and son debate revisited
2008-04-20 Let us get one thing very clear
2008-04-21 Let’s cut this racial crap
2008-04-22 Are Chinese and Indians merely hedging?
2008-04-24 Is DAP showing its true colours?
2008-04-25 Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell
2008-04-29 The true JIHAD
2008-05-01 V. David, the man who made ‘May Day’ possible
2008-05-03 Towering Malays and the ‘hush’ on Peace Hill
2008-05-05 What is Islam?
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 It is glorious to be rich
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 Malaysia Today the first to register
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 Spoiling for a fight
2007-04-14 Happy anniversary, my dear
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 I am mad, fucking mad
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 Okay, let’s rumble
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 A distortion of history
2007-12-13 Heal thyself
2007-12-19 Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
2007-12-23 All that is haram
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 When good is bad and bad is good
2008-01-05 Substance over rhetoric
2008-01-10 The law of relativity
2008-01-16 Malays, the enemy of Islam
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 The throw of dice
2008-02-01 Why I kick ass
2008-02-06 The people are the boss
2008-02-08 No future in the past
2008-02-13 Here in body, gone in mind
2008-02-17 When the going gets tough, the tough get going
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 A chip off the old block
2008-03-01 Suara rakyat, suara keramat
2008-03-06 Melayu Umno dan Cina DAP bodoh
2008-03-10 The aftermath of the 'bloodbath'
2008-03-13 DAP its own worst enemy
2008-03-14 I oppose an Islamic State
2008-03-16 A storm in a songkok
2008-03-17 Compromise works both ways
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 The Ugly Malaysian
2008-03-26 You forgot who voted for you?
2008-03-26 Others, not you, decide what you are (Updated)
2008-03-28 The real issues
2008-03-31 Elementary, my dear Watson
2008-04-02 The significance of the Monarchy and the two-thirds majority in Parliament
2008-04-03 Throwing the baby out with the bath water
2008-04-06 Coming of age
2008-04-09 Come hell or high water
2008-04-10 Prostitutes galore
2008-04-11 The brain sees what it is told to see
2008-04-13 Many apples in a barrel
2008-04-14 Come celebrate our wedding anniversary
2008-04-16 My version of the truth
2008-04-17 This little piggie went to market
2008-04-18 Father and son debate revisited
2008-04-20 Let us get one thing very clear
2008-04-21 Let’s cut this racial crap
2008-04-22 Are Chinese and Indians merely hedging?
2008-04-24 Is DAP showing its true colours?
2008-04-25 Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell
2008-04-29 The true JIHAD
2008-05-01 V. David, the man who made ‘May Day’ possible
2008-05-03 Towering Malays and the ‘hush’ on Peace Hill
2008-05-05 What is Islam?
Type header here
2004-11-23 Malay rights and privileges
2004-11-25 One nation, two systems
2004-11-29 Imam Munafiq and Fasik
2004-12-01 A tale of two imams
2004-12-03 Why Islam is so backward
2004-12-07 The Malays and their high horse
2004-12-09 I love a good fight
2006-06-17 Hey, what is the real issue here?
2004-11-22 Anwar’s open house attracted Malaysians from all walks of life
2004-11-29 Plus and minus
2004-12-06 Malaysia Today: the Free Malaysia Campaign
2004-12-13 Insults, insults, and yet more insults
2004-12-20 Sticks and stones and what else can harm me
2006-06-19 To know you is to love you
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 It is glorious to be rich
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 Malaysia Today the first to register
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 Spoiling for a fight
2007-04-14 Happy anniversary, my dear
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 I am mad, fucking mad
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 Okay, let’s rumble
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 A distortion of history
2007-12-13 Heal thyself
2007-12-19 Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
2007-12-23 All that is haram
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 When good is bad and bad is good
2008-01-05 Substance over rhetoric
2008-01-10 The law of relativity
2008-01-16 Malays, the enemy of Islam
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 The throw of dice
2008-02-01 Why I kick ass
2008-02-06 The people are the boss
2008-02-08 No future in the past
2008-02-13 Here in body, gone in mind
2008-02-17 When the going gets tough, the tough get going
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 A chip off the old block
2008-03-01 Suara rakyat, suara keramat
2008-03-06 Melayu Umno dan Cina DAP bodoh
2008-03-10 The aftermath of the 'bloodbath'
2008-03-13 DAP its own worst enemy
2008-03-14 I oppose an Islamic State
2008-03-16 A storm in a songkok
2008-03-17 Compromise works both ways
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 The Ugly Malaysian
2008-03-26 You forgot who voted for you?
2008-03-26 Others, not you, decide what you are (Updated)
2008-03-28 The real issues
2008-03-31 Elementary, my dear Watson
2008-04-02 The significance of the Monarchy and the two-thirds majority in Parliament
2008-04-03 Throwing the baby out with the bath water
2008-04-06 Coming of age
2008-04-09 Come hell or high water
2008-04-10 Prostitutes galore
2008-04-11 The brain sees what it is told to see
2008-04-13 Many apples in a barrel
2008-04-14 Come celebrate our wedding anniversary
2008-04-16 My version of the truth
2008-04-17 This little piggie went to market
2008-04-18 Father and son debate revisited
2008-04-20 Let us get one thing very clear
2008-04-21 Let’s cut this racial crap
2008-04-22 Are Chinese and Indians merely hedging?
2008-04-24 Is DAP showing its true colours?
2008-04-25 Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell
2008-04-29 The true JIHAD
2008-05-01 V. David, the man who made ‘May Day’ possible
2008-05-03 Towering Malays and the ‘hush’ on Peace Hill
2008-05-05 What is Islam?
2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 Malaysia’s organised crime syndicate: all roads lead to Putrajaya
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 The walls come crumbling down
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 All that crap
2007-12-21 The unholy trinity
2007-12-27 The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
2008-01-01 2008: same shit, different days
2008-01-05 Warlords and heavyweights: two peas in a pod
2008-01-10 The ten-year mood swings
2008-01-17 Trojan Horses in the opposition ranks
2008-01-23 Bernas, Malaysia's leading rice smuggler
2008-01-29 Keystone Cops galore
2008-02-04 How the hunter became the hunted
2008-02-05 'Sultan' Zulhasnan, the RM700 million man
2008-02-09 A scam, by any other name, smells just as foul
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 Two's company, three's a crowd
2008-02-22 Resurrecting the dead
2008-02-25 While we go to the polls, they rip us off in our sleep
2008-02-28 Police investigation report on Tan Sri Dato Nor Mohamed Bin Yakcop, Finance Minister 2
2008-03-02 Winds of change
2008-03-07 Why we are voting tomorrow
2008-03-09 Thank you Malaysians, wherever you are
2008-03-12 Between perception and reality
2008-03-13 Yellow card for the opposition
2008-03-15 Small things please small minds
2008-03-18 May 13? What May 13?
2008-03-20 The countdown begins
2008-03-24 Monsoon (Cup) winds of change
2008-03-25 Understanding the Terengganu MB issue
2008-03-27 Anwar or Ku Li? The race is on
2008-04-01 Back to the future: the fall of Saigon revisited
2008-04-05 Smokescreens and disinformation: a distraction of issues
2008-04-07 Like Siamese twins
2008-04-08 Cheated not once, but thrice
2008-04-09 Magic, sheer magic
2008-04-12 Running dog running scared
2008-04-16 Let the heads roll
2008-04-17 Is Umno exploding or imploding?
2008-04-19 Ummo’s loss is the rakyat’s gain
2008-04-19 Can Abdullah be brought down in 100 days?
2008-04-21 Hello.....what about Hishamuddin Yunus?
2008-04-23 Spin machine spinning out of control
2008-04-24 So, are the Sabah MPs crossing over or not?
2008-04-27 Umno’s really losing the plot
2008-04-30 My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad
2008-05-04 A needle in a haystack
2004-11-23 Malay rights and privileges
2004-11-25 One nation, two systems
2004-11-29 Imam Munafiq and Fasik
2004-12-01 A tale of two imams
2004-12-03 Why Islam is so backward
2004-12-07 The Malays and their high horse
2004-12-09 I love a good fight
2006-06-17 Hey, what is the real issue here?
2004-11-22 Anwar’s open house attracted Malaysians from all walks of life
2004-11-29 Plus and minus
2004-12-06 Malaysia Today: the Free Malaysia Campaign
2004-12-13 Insults, insults, and yet more insults
2004-12-20 Sticks and stones and what else can harm me
2006-06-19 To know you is to love you
2006-06-25 Between the trees and the forest
2006-06-29 Melayu mudah lupa
2006-07-03 Politics, politics, politics
2006-07-07 The real concept of Islam Hadhari: halal gambling
2006-07-11 Without fear or favour
2006-07-16 Have a heart, mate!
2006-07-20 Dear Walter
2006-07-26 Burying one’s head in the sand
2006-08-01 It is glorious to be rich
2006-08-04 Please don’t spread rumours
2006-08-08 Dear Walter 2
2006-08-14 When east meets west
2006-08-18 Opinions are like arse holes
2006-08-22 What me worry?
2006-08-26 You made your bed, so go lie in it
2006-08-31 Yes Prime Minister
2006-09-06 Public property
2006-09-12 Hello....brader....
2006-09-17 Again, money talks, bullshit walks
2006-09-21 Walking the talk
2006-09-24 The monkey and the flower
2006-09-29 Indah kabar dari rupa
2006-10-05 Didn’t I tell you so?
2006-10-10 Halal and haram
2006-10-16 The height of hypocrisy
2006-10-21 Why I don’t go to the mosque anymore
2006-10-26 The day I out-debated the ustaz
2006-10-31 The clothes do not maketh the man
2006-11-04 Prevention for big hearts: sleep more and exercise less
2006-11-11 Melayu sudah hilang di dunia
2006-11-15 Ali Baba and the 40 thieves
2006-11-19 When the lunatics run the asylum
2006-11-24 If God says “Be!”, so be it
2006-11-28 Made in Malaysia
2006-12-03 You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave
2006-12-07 Now it all makes sense
2006-12-12 I am a Malaysian
2006-12-17 Does an Islamic State really exist?
2006-12-21 I support the Utusan merger, says Mahathir
2006-12-26 Can PAS please respond?
2007-01-02 Throwing the cat amongst the pigeons
2007-01-07 My heart bleeds for Malaysia
2007-01-12 The pride before the fall
2007-01-15 Gerakan Anti-Najib
2007-01-20 C4-2
2007-01-24 Between fact and fancy
2007-01-29 I have a dream
2007-02-02 Fact, fallacy, fiction
2007-02-07 Three scenes in one act
2007-02-12 Judges in the pocket: The Malaysian judiciary saga
2007-02-14 Much ado about nothing
2007-02-17 Life’s like that
2007-02-21 America, a Shariah-compliant State
2007-02-26 The advent of the Cyber-Warriors
2007-03-02 What to expect the next time around
2007-03-06 Islam this and Islam that
2007-03-12 Why the need for electoral reforms
2007-03-16 Assaults on Islam come fast and furious
2007-03-20 The war started 80 years ago
2007-03-26 Don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger
2007-04-01 The REAL clash of civilisations
2007-04-05 Malaysia Today the first to register
2007-04-06 The great 'who's the boss' debate
2007-04-09 Spoiling for a fight
2007-04-14 Happy anniversary, my dear
2007-04-17 A challenge to investigate Malaysia Today
2007-04-22 Oppose the ISA or else rot in hell
2007-04-26 I am mad, fucking mad
2007-05-01 Aiyah! Kan dah cakap?
2007-05-05 Me, Wakil Rakyat? No way Jose!
2007-05-09 Umno gets your body, PAS gets your soul
2007-05-13 Of Pariahs and Pan-Asians
2007-05-18 The other side of religion
2007-05-23 Has this ever occurred to you before?
2007-05-28 ‘Riot’ at Kamunting: The real story
2007-06-01 Otak Udang, allow me to prove you wrong
2007-06-05 Rights? What rights? You don't deserve any!
2007-06-09 The never ending journey
2007-06-13 The story of datukships for sale (part 1)
2007-06-17 The story of datukships for sale (part 2)
2007-06-21 Understanding the Malay-Muslim mind
2007-06-26 Opinions are like arse holes, everybody has one
2007-07-01 Knowing the trees from the forest
2007-07-04 Aiyah! Must I do all your work for you?
2007-07-08 Mimpi di siang hari
2007-07-13 Okay, let’s rumble
2007-07-17 Malaysia bodoh....sorry, I mean boleh
2007-07-21 Sticks and stones can break my bones but names cannot harm me
2007-07-23 See you in hell Muhamad son of Muhamad
2007-07-27 Welcome home Pak Lah
2007-07-30 Raja Petra seditious? Hogwash!
2007-08-04 Are Christians lepers?
2007-08-08 How to make an ass of oneself
2007-08-12 For God, King and Country
2007-08-16 Dear Prime Minister
2007-08-17 Apa nak jadi?
2007-08-20 Muhammad son of Muhammad, I accept!
2007-08-27 Muhammad Muhammad Taib found guilty after all
2007-08-28 Raising our voices
2007-09-01 Stop threatening; just do it
2007-09-06 Firing blanks
2007-09-09 Get me to the church on time
2007-09-14 I have heard those arguments before
2007-09-19 Malu, malu, malu
2007-09-24 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
2007-09-28 More on the Lingamgate issue
2007-10-01 God, save me from my friends, my enemies I can take care of myself
2007-10-06 Without rumours we would not believe in God
2007-10-10 Defenders of the peace
2007-10-12 Is it 200,000 or 20,000?
2007-10-16 Gelombang Kuning
2007-10-21 A serious crisis of faith
2007-10-26 Scam of the century
2007-10-31 How to fight monkeys
2007-11-02 We survived, yet again
2007-11-15 MCA: the Malay running dog
2007-11-17 The cause of the panic
2007-11-19 I am greatly offended
2007-11-21 Heat on the street
2007-11-23 God is watching us
2007-11-27 Pictures tell the real story
2007-11-29 How so few determine the fate of so many
2007-12-03 MARAH: Malay Rights Action Hoard
2007-12-09 A distortion of history
2007-12-13 Heal thyself
2007-12-19 Fruit from a poisonous tree will be poisonous
2007-12-23 All that is haram
2007-12-28 A Christian 'anointed' Muhammad as Prophet
2007-12-31 When good is bad and bad is good
2008-01-05 Substance over rhetoric
2008-01-10 The law of relativity
2008-01-16 Malays, the enemy of Islam
2008-01-22 Malaysia is a failed state
2008-01-28 The throw of dice
2008-02-01 Why I kick ass
2008-02-06 The people are the boss
2008-02-08 No future in the past
2008-02-13 Here in body, gone in mind
2008-02-17 When the going gets tough, the tough get going
2008-02-21 Let's demonstrate Malaysian Solidarity
2008-02-23 Zul Rafique and Azim Zabidi, PLEASE go to hell!
2008-02-26 A chip off the old block
2008-03-01 Suara rakyat, suara keramat
2008-03-06 Melayu Umno dan Cina DAP bodoh
2008-03-10 The aftermath of the 'bloodbath'
2008-03-13 DAP its own worst enemy
2008-03-14 I oppose an Islamic State
2008-03-16 A storm in a songkok
2008-03-17 Compromise works both ways
2008-03-18 The Azim Zabidi-BK Tan link established
2008-03-22 The Ugly Malaysian
2008-03-26 You forgot who voted for you?
2008-03-26 Others, not you, decide what you are (Updated)
2008-03-28 The real issues
2008-03-31 Elementary, my dear Watson
2008-04-02 The significance of the Monarchy and the two-thirds majority in Parliament
2008-04-03 Throwing the baby out with the bath water
2008-04-06 Coming of age
2008-04-09 Come hell or high water
2008-04-10 Prostitutes galore
2008-04-11 The brain sees what it is told to see
2008-04-13 Many apples in a barrel
2008-04-14 Come celebrate our wedding anniversary
2008-04-16 My version of the truth
2008-04-17 This little piggie went to market
2008-04-18 Father and son debate revisited
2008-04-20 Let us get one thing very clear
2008-04-21 Let’s cut this racial crap
2008-04-22 Are Chinese and Indians merely hedging?
2008-04-24 Is DAP showing its true colours?
2008-04-25 Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell
2008-04-29 The true JIHAD
2008-05-01 V. David, the man who made ‘May Day’ possible
2008-05-03 Towering Malays and the ‘hush’ on Peace Hill
2008-05-05 What is Islam?
2006-03-27 Georgetown, we have a problem
2006-10-05 The heart of the campaign
2006-10-12 keADILan’s foray into Sabah
2006-10-20 Anwar Ibrahim: Shifting guns to remain afloat?
2006-10-27 Heads I win, tails you lose
2006-11-02 Dolahgate
2006-11-03 Dolahgate (Versi Bahasa Malaysia)
2006-11-10 Malaysia: Why is Tun riding roughshod?
2006-11-13 Constitutional Crisis in Umno (UPDATED)
2006-11-20 Is there life after Pak Lah?
2006-11-27 The enemy within the gates
2006-12-05 Foot-in-mouth disease
2006-12-13 WYSIWYG: The truth behind the Second Penang Bridge
2006-12-19 Fiddling while Rome burns
2006-12-26 Lies, lies and yet more lies
2007-01-05 Mahathir breaks his silence
2007-01-13 How Malaysia is borrowing USD50 billion without borrowing
2007-01-21 How to remove a thorn in the side
2007-01-26 Old man, new toys
2007-02-03 When the truth hurts
2007-02-12 The Musa Aman silap mata
2007-02-16 Small lie, big lie
2007-02-21 The protégé turned prodigal
2007-02-27 Kambing jaga sireh
2007-03-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
2007-03-09 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
2007-03-13 Are Najib’s days numbered?
2007-03-18 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3)
2007-03-21 Sabah: the battleground for the Umno Deputy Presidency revisited
2007-03-26 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4)
2007-03-31 Malaysia’s Deputy Premier Najib in trouble?
2007-04-04 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5)
2007-04-08 Anwar’s ‘new’ agenda
2007-04-11 Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
2007-04-12 Watergate a la Malaysia
2007-04-13 Mexican stand-off
2007-04-22 Get Najib by-election campaign
2007-04-30 As the stomach turns
2007-05-04 Mahathir’s endgame or the end of Mahathir’s game?
2007-05-09 Taming of the shrew
2007-05-14 The Waterloo of Malaysian politics
2007-05-21 The Phoenix rises from the ashes
2007-05-22 The circus is in town
2007-05-25 Papa-Mama outfit
2007-06-03 Malaysia’s organised crime syndicate: all roads lead to Putrajaya
2007-06-09 The roaches are scurrying and the rats are hurrying
2007-06-14 Beware of 18 June 2007
2007-06-20 Whining, bitching and grumbling, but going nowhere
2007-06-25 Upstairs, downstairs, in her lady’s chamber
2007-07-01 The Malay Jew in the corridors of power
2007-07-04 Please, IGP, explain this!
2007-07-09 Azman Hashim: the Malay Jew
2007-07-10 The latest update on Infohub Sdn Bhd
2007-07-13 The walls come crumbling down
2007-07-18 The mastermind behind the First Family
2007-07-22 A game of cat and mouse
2007-07-26 A comedy of errors
2007-07-31 Another ‘Constitutional Crisis’ over the horizon?
2007-08-04 Putrajaya under attack
2007-08-05 Who is really running this country anyway?
2007-08-07 No peace on Peace Hill
2007-08-11 There you are! Another Constitutional Crisis
2007-08-14 The last days of Pompeii
2007-08-19 Bilderberg 2007 - Towards a One World Empire?
2007-08-23 Patrick Lim's Monsoon Cup scam
2007-08-27 Abdullah (and UMNO) insults the Royals, again
2007-08-28 Malaysia's axis mysteriously shifting
2007-09-03 Fact or fancy?
2007-09-09 The Synagogue of Satan (part 1)
2007-09-10 What did Najib know and when did he know it?
2007-09-12 Najib must bear brunt of the RM6.75 billion naval scandal
2007-09-17 Poorer, poorer, poorah!
2007-09-20 Yes, we are embroiled in a Constitutional Crisis
2007-09-23 Who’s running the asylum anyway?
2007-09-25 Najib Tun Razak, Malaysia’s defense minister, finds a fountain of cash in military purchases
2007-09-27 From Dolahgate to Lingamgate
2007-09-29 Blow away the whistle-blower
2007-10-04 Nothing but a den of thieves
2007-10-09 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia
2007-10-15 Now you see it, now you don’t
2007-10-19 Even God can’t sink Umno
2007-10-23 CJ, say bye-bye!
2007-10-30 Datuk, Datuk, Datuk
2007-11-02 The land of Walt Disney
2007-11-07 I rather make the ACA a respected agency than a feared one
2007-11-16 What the eye does not see
2007-11-21 Who is Noor Hisham Yusoh?
2007-11-22 20 years of shellshock
2007-11-28 Twisting and turning
2007-12-02 The hand that rocks the cradle can rock the world
2007-12-05 The tried and tested route of history
2007-12-11 Losing the plot
2007-12-17 All that crap
2007-12-21 The unholy trinity
2007-12-27 The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons
2008-01-01 2008: same shit, different days
2008-01-05 Warlords and heavyweights: two peas in a pod
2008-01-10 The ten-year mood swings
2008-01-17 Trojan Horses in the opposition ranks
2008-01-23 Bernas, Malaysia's leading rice smuggler
2008-01-29 Keystone Cops galore
2008-02-04 How the hunter became the hunted
2008-02-05 'Sultan' Zulhasnan, the RM700 million man
2008-02-09 A scam, by any other name, smells just as foul
2008-02-14 Let the track record speak for itself
2008-02-19 The new Member of Parliament for Putrajaya, Azim Zabidi
2008-02-20 Two's company, three's a crowd
2008-02-22 Resurrecting the dead
2008-02-25 While we go to the polls, they rip us off in our sleep
2008-02-28 Police investigation report on Tan Sri Dato Nor Mohamed Bin Yakcop, Finance Minister 2
2008-03-02 Winds of change
2008-03-07 Why we are voting tomorrow
2008-03-09 Thank you Malaysians, wherever you are
2008-03-12 Between perception and reality
2008-03-13 Yellow card for the opposition
2008-03-15 Small things please small minds
2008-03-18 May 13? What May 13?
2008-03-20 The countdown begins
2008-03-24 Monsoon (Cup) winds of change
2008-03-25 Understanding the Terengganu MB issue
2008-03-27 Anwar or Ku Li? The race is on
2008-04-01 Back to the future: the fall of Saigon revisited
2008-04-05 Smokescreens and disinformation: a distraction of issues
2008-04-07 Like Siamese twins
2008-04-08 Cheated not once, but thrice
2008-04-09 Magic, sheer magic
2008-04-12 Running dog running scared
2008-04-16 Let the heads roll
2008-04-17 Is Umno exploding or imploding?
2008-04-19 Ummo’s loss is the rakyat’s gain
2008-04-19 Can Abdullah be brought down in 100 days?
2008-04-21 Hello.....what about Hishamuddin Yunus?
2008-04-23 Spin machine spinning out of control
2008-04-24 So, are the Sabah MPs crossing over or not?
2008-04-27 Umno’s really losing the plot
2008-04-30 My reply to Datuk Tengku Sariffuddin Tengku Ahmad
2008-05-04 A needle in a haystack
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